It's the hat seen round the world!
By Miss Aretha.

ONTD has become infested with these hats. And I find it AWESOME.
Wanna know how awesome? I'll show you some of my favorites. :D

Hat on a barn.

Andy is really excited about the hat-age.

The Golden Girls color theirs up.

Jim doesn't quite understand why a hat has been placed on him.....

But realizes it's goes great with his Dwight outfit.

Tobias loves wearing his hat when doing photoshoots.

No one knew how Edward could dazzle more, until now.

Even Kevin's ass has a hat.

Charlton is a STUD.

Franklin loves his puppet size hat.

Come on, Kellan sports it with his ducky.

Last but not least at all, my icon of Joe and the sexy hat.

Also, cat with spaghetti and hat. =D
I really need to stop this.....

But Not Yet!!!! I wear that hat well. =]
omg, i love when i see the icons with the hats! it's totally awesome. it's like the new jokerfying the icons. i like this trend better. man when she came on the sing the song, i literally turned to my mom and was like, 'what is that? it looks like she's slowly being eaten by the giant bow!'
love it!
joraisin-it's kinda like joe six pack or joe the plumber, but a raisin farmer.
Isn't I wear that hat well?
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