Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Love the Swedes

So I finally got to hit up Ikea again, since I've been wanting to go there since I think, before I graduated high school. The family never wants to go. But I finally got them to go. And they bought more than I did.

But seriously, that place is fucking awesome. I could live there. Well, just not near the Swedish meatballs. They kinda make me sick. I don't know but that smell makes me want to vomit. But I digress. I totally bought this awesome shelfing thing that was red, and it is so killer. Gotta love it. I also got a little dust pan thing and some frames for hella cheap. And then, the best? A neck pillow!!! I am so mad excited I got it. I. AM. DANGER. Yeah, I totally think I'm the danga and S is.....I gotta think up a Jonas like nickname for her. Time to think. :)

1 comment:

Sam said...

lol did you come up with a jonas nickname yet? lol