Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Will

So I'm pretty sure I'm like, dying. Well, not too sure, but it damn well feels like it. So I've set out to write my will. Don't judge me. And remember, I must be physically dead to claim these things.

My Living Will and Testament:

Anything Jonas - Sam
Anything Demi Lovato - Sam
Anything Penn State - Jenn
My Sean Astin autograph - Kim
My Josh Duhamel autographs - Ellen
My Office stuff - Ellen
My phone - Sam
Camp Rock items to be dispersed between Sam and Jenn
Posters to be dispersed with whoever wants what(what is left after Demi, Jonas and Office)
My computer - my mom
Alice in Wonderland stuff - my dad

Yeah, I think that's all I have that's worth anything. And these probably aren't worth much.

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