Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm Ready to Ba-Rock With the Obama-rama!

He won. He fucking won. I feel like it's a dream. I really really wanted a newspaper today, but they were gone by the time I got to any. Curses. Maybe my dad got my text. Doubt it.

Anyways, I voted Tuesday morning. Skipped all my Monday classes, and my first Tuesday class to make sure I was home to vote. We left there at like, 9:15, which apparently was a great time. Before then, it was lasting forever, and after it took longer(my mom, who had been sleeping when me and my dad went, waited for like, three hours). Either way, I got to vote. I had applied for Absentee, but it came too late so I had to get out of line and made sure I could vote. I would have kicked some ass if I couldn't.

I voted straight Democrat, simply because I wasn't too sure on other people. I hadn't had time to look into it all. And I voted yes on a small tax increase on a way to preserve land. I did a whole essay on that last year, of course I want to save our environment. I like to think they got to my essay and read it and proposed it because of me. ;)

And since my computer has been down, and there is no tv in my room, I wasn't able to watch the coverage. Which really disappointed me. I've been watching presidential election coverage since I was little. I don't know about when Clinton was re-elected, but I most definitely watched with Bush vs. Gore. I really love that kind of stuff. It felt awesome to know I was a part of it this time.

My lovely Finnish Spitz gave me updates and I made my roommate keep checking online. I was just writing my story, and doing whatever and I get this text. "He clinched it!" It was a little past eleven, and I assumed Barack, who had a sizeable lead, had gotten California or such. Then all of a sudden, outside my room, I hear someone scream "Obama!" It reminded me of the World Series, which had a good five or six people running down the halls screaming, "Phillies!!!!!" That was pretty nice, since I watched in my suitemate's room.

Anyways, I started to obviously, realize Obama had won. Very surreal. I didn't believe it. I don't know if I still have let it sink in. My suitemate started hitting things(she voted for McCain) and then I was pretty sure. I went over there and was like, oh my gosh. I mean, President Elect Barack Obama. It's an amazing thing to see.

My brother called and was like, did McCain just, give up? They hadn't even mentioned the states that had just been won on whatever station he was watching. I laughed a bit and explained. Then I talked to my mom and she put the phone to the tv so I could hear McCain's concession speech. It was decent, and I admit I teared when he started talking about Barack's grandmother. Every time I hear about that, I start to get upset. I know the feeling all too well.

Then I went to my suitemate's room to watch Obama's speech. Wow. Just wow. It was so powerful, and like some of the voices on the tv said, very humble, and not showy. He was very much like, I understand that some did not vote, and I'm here to listen to you. I loved it. I got misty eyed, but wouldn't let my suitemate see me cry. Later, when I went back to my room, I did cry. I felt so happy. I mean, after so many weeks of intense fighting, it was over. It's such a relief. With the economic crisis that we're in, I mean, I truly believe Obama can help bring us out. And that has been this constant worry on me. I finally was able to smile and go, wow, maybe this all will be alright. I mean, I was so worried about it all, I wasn't even going to ask for anything for my birthday. I have a horrible issue with putting every single person in front of me. In some ways, I'm very selfless, but I'm not going to call myself completely selfless. I do love indulging in myself a lot. :)

Anyways, I got to go to sleep, smiling. Not because I got some new clothes, or my computer was fixed. It was better than that. It was this feeling knowing that life would be different. I did make a difference. I felt like I mattered. I mean, when Obama gave his speech, I felt like the only one there. I felt like we were having this conversation and he was telling me that we'd get through this. That's such a powerful thing. I would have loved to be there. I also would love to meet him. Or just be in his presence. It'd be an amazing thing to occur.

I don't know who you all voted for, but I hope that you did not regret your choice at all. I just hope you researched it and felt that was the person that spoke to your heart. I'm fully glad I voted Obama, and I think it was the best decision of my life. :)

1 comment:

The Drowsy Observer said...

The first time in years I'm proud to be an american.