Thursday, July 3, 2008

"You Look Loney"

Now, I must hear this phrase at least twice every single day that I work. It gets a little tiring, especially since identifies "lonely" as "lacking or wanting companionship." See, this is where every annoying customer has got it wrong. See, I prefer the solitude. That way, no work for me. I could care less. But these people think they are just soooo funny with their witty comment and trying to make me smile. Well, they aren't. They're not funny, and I only smile just because I need the job, so I try to suck up as much as possible, even if most customers are major bitches. Let me tell you, there are way too many mean people out there. If you thought I was a bitch, you have not met the shoppers at Superfresh. I dare you: do my job for a day. You might want to kill yourself. I'm surprised I haven't done that yet.

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