Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dear Miley Cyrus

So lately I realized how much I really enjoy you. You rock. No matter what stupid picture you take. I <3 you. And the fact that you went to see Coldplay made my day. I feel we could be awesome friends. I'm just enough crazy for you. I need to meet you, k? I really wanted to see Coldplay, but the Jonas Brothers have a higher rank. Well, not really, but I had more invested in them. So um, question: when's your next tour? It better be soon. I want to see it.

Just telling ya that I'm back to obsession with ya.

Oh yeah, saw you brought Emily O. I see you're attempting to get back on the normal peoples list. Just drop M-Jir.

A Fan Again

P.S. LOVE your shirt. :)

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