So, I just started to fully listening to the new Death Cab for Cutie album(JoBros and Hannah have mostly been on) and as the albums went by with DCFC, they changed, but I wasn't sure if it was for the best. I mean, Transatlanticism was incredible, and really gave them the acknowledgment they have now, even if it was their fourth album. It took them a little bit. Don't judge. Plus, every album they have done is incredible. Transatlanticism is by far my favorite, and I guess I'd say Photo Album after that. Plans was good, but it didn't feel like the others. Not that I'm saying it was bad. It was still awesome. It just wasn't the same feel. Maybe that was because that was the big jump to Atlantic from Barsuk, I don't know. Either way, Plans wasn't the best out of the bunch, but then, this year, they come out with Narrow Stairs. Shit, man. Am I in love. Like, Ben Gibbard, how the fuck do you keep doing this? I need to meet this guy. Just like hug him and bow to him. And take a pic. And then I could post here going, "I fucking met a God!" Anyways, Narrow Stairs totally feels like old times. Like, Photo Album era. And that was definitely a good era. Like, the song "The ice is getting thinner" definitely sounds a bit like "Coney Island" or "Steadier Footing." Those were like my favorite songs. Even as I write this, I just keep wanting to switch albums to listen to my favs, but I need to learn all these new songs. Death Cab is so perfect for getting me into the writing mood. I never feel that way with JoBros or Hannah Montana. Those two keep me in the real world, oddly enough. But Death Cab, like Beatles or Coldplay, take me to that plain where all I want to do is create deep characters and develop them so intricately. Like, I thought maybe I was in a writing funk. Maybe I've been in a music funk. Like I said, thats not to say the JoBros and Hannah aren't awesome. They just aren't deep enough yet to get to that writing level. McCartney, Lennon, Gibbard, Martin, they are all born songwriters. And those are just the front people of the bands. Those bands were just kinda made incredible. Unfortunately, Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers are a little young. The JoBros are getting there. They're writing their own stuff, and the words are pretty good, but I definitely think they need to experiment a lot more. But I doubt Hollywood Records or Disney is going to let them. They have their niche, they're probably on contract not to change it. But definitely at least Nick is working his way up to that amazing songwriting. No one can deny S.O.S. is fucking catchy as hell. Hello, he wrote that thing in ten minutes. TEN MINUTES. I mean, I don't know if that was just the words, or the music, or both, but whatever way, you gotta hand it to him, he got it right. Their new cd comes out, what, August 12th, and I think that is when I'll be deciding exactly where they are on the songwriting scale. Until then, I'll simply love their catchy tunes and lose my voice for four days(and counting!). Oh, and listen to Death Cab. :D
Why do I keep ending these things with smiley faces? I'm fucking obsessed with them. Sheesh. I'm doing all I can not to end this afterthought without a smiley face. lol :)
BTW - No Sunlight on Narrow Stairs? Just like I Was a Kaleidoscope. And that is a good thing. :)
Damn it again.
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