Dear Miley and Mandy,
You suck. Stop making crappy videos. Stick to Hannah and being Hannah's back-up dancer. Fifteen year olds should not be as whory as you. Twenty year olds should not want to voluntarily hang out with fifteen year olds. Stop making videos. Your voices are horrible. I watch up from my worst nightmares in a cold sweat hearing Miley's horrible honking noise. I cry then. I really do. Why do you make me cry? Why do I deserve to be in such pain just because you live? Mandy - find a cliff and dance down to the bottom. Then, proceed to die. Miley - crawl back into your Tennesse cave where a proper exorcism can be performed and the goodie-goodie can come back. I'm sick of Slutty Miley.
(yes, I do love Hannah Montana.....no, that isn't my real name. I wish.)
P.S. Stop making stupid Hannah episodes - time travel? Come on, are you that desperate??
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