Well, I'm all for Drina. She reminds me of me. Like, just doing her own thang, and chillaxing and reading in the back house. Plus, she picks the odd guys. Like Justin Bobby. And hey, he's totally looking better than before. Which makes me all for that. Mmmm another sexy JB. Yes.
Well, LC-CB totally did not understand that she was pissing Drina off. Lo-Life is being uber annoying. I used to like her. Now she's all like, annoying whiny bitch. I don't know, she just bothers me. I feel like there are a million and one similarities between my life and the Hills. Gotta love that.....well, not really. Their life is just so much more fabulous.
Now I'm just needing to vent on how much I seriously love the Hills. I can deny it all I want, but like, it's just so damn appealing. Like, it's their life but yet it's not. They pretty much are acting, but it feels so real and it's like, wow, this is happening. Cool. Oh curses. I'm in love with the Hills. Years ago, when it first premiered, I promised myself I wasn't gonna gonna get into this show. I would avoid reality shows like the plague. I pretty much thought that if I saw it, I was gonna like, turn into a lifeless reality watching drone. And I must say that wow, I'm not. I guess since the Hills isn't really reality. They should like, do more on their promotion of the show...like that Rolling Stone photoshoot. I would love to see the dirt on that shit. I mean, Heidi-Ho Bag and LC-CB in the same area? Where it is supposed to be staged and not where they really staged it but they're trying to make it look like it wasn't. But ah well. I'll still be watching the Hills come August. And really, August? Like, WTF? Actually could they push it to September? I really hate watching it on my computer(which is still a bitch!!!!) because when it gets to the big intense moments, it pauses to buffer and stops awkwardly on them so I have drunk Drina and LC-CB doing what she seems to be doing best-crying.
Oh yeah, like, what the hell was up with LC-CB's pjs? I mean, come on. Like, a dress? At least Drina and Lo-Life did it right with actual pajamas. You don't always have to look perfect...I mean, seriously.
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