Wednesday, May 14, 2008

To All the Non Believers

I am here, at almost eight in the morning, waiting for the little adorable booger that is my nephew. I don't really have much to say, but just to show off that me waking up can be done. I can get up at 7:30 after falling asleep at only 2:30 and waking up, wide awake, and able to take my little booger into my bed to make sure he's babysat. I have disproved all the non believers. HA! How do you like me now? I'm exhausted, but I am the last one standing. Or swaying over half asleep. Whatever works.

Oh yeah, BTW, if you read this blog, read my friends' blogs:

Yeah, I am just that cool.

1 comment:

Jenn Carpenter said...

thanks for the plug? lol