First off, that is my new favorite description word. BOSS. Heck yes. I am boss. Oh, can't overuse it.
Anyways, Michele(or Michelle? Someone inform me, please) Obama is awesome. I recently just became a full Obama supporter, and I don't know, her little thing she did with Ellen in the beginning with Nick Jonas behind the door when you think they're talking about Barack was fucking funny. Like, she totally played it perfect. Look how excited she is!
And Nick looks so little....and adorable. Is that a smile??? I hope so. Don't make me pull out my photoshop, Nick, don't make me....
Anyways, I'm proud to be an Obama supporter. And Kevin and Joe are registered. I really wanna know who they'll vote for. I mean, I wanna say they're Democrat, but their upbringing worries me. They seem pretty chill; I mean, they're close with Ellen Degeneres, who is a lesbian, and that's like, a bad thing for Republicans. I simply think they could be both, but I'm really hoping they're not Republican. It'd wreck them a bit. But I mean, if that's their choice, I'll respect it. Just like if say, my husband was Republican, I suppose I would deal with it, because everything else is pretty awesome about him(Kevin...;))
lol i know dude that part i was like this is kind of weird if their talking about Barack.. then it got like weirder and i was like okay this can't be about him. then they opened the door and i was like hahahahaa NICK! it was awesome. and i'm so glad that i watched that part lol i even made my mom watch it.
hahaha i loved that!
she was so cute
i <3 obama
he really really needs to win this election and clean up our country.
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