I have just heard some devestating news. Like, seriously, I'm pretty damn depressed about this.
Holly and Hef are over. And Bridget and Kendra are leaving the mansion.
It's like learning your psychotic awesome neighbors are breaking up. Why, Hef, why? I'm sure he did nothing wrong; he is p-i-m-p. But like, Holly? Come on. That chick loved the medicine bottles of Viagra he took. I didn't think she would ever leave him. She loooooved him. She wanted to get married and have kids. Maybe she got fed up? Either way, it's pretty sad.
And then Kendra and Bridget are leaving. I loved those girls! Even Kendra, whose laugh was annoying as shit. Like, I'm betting E! will have Hef(and Hef sure as hell won't be girl-less for more than a minute) have some new girlfriends, and they'll continue the show, but I just don't think it will be as awesome as the first five seasons. Bah. I'm sad. :(
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