I just got it. It's this like, "oh fuck" moment. When you go, shit, I'm not doing what I planned. When you feel ill to think about all around the moment. It's this stomach drops, pitless moment where you feel like, you're finishing last in a race you didn't know you were in. In some stupid competition you didn't know existed. I don't know the last time I felt this. But I just got it. It especially sucks getting it in the middle of the night when you know you can't do anything. It's like, someone's taken the moment you wanted. And you have no one to blame but yourself.
It's supposed to be me.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
When Did They Start Dating???????
Hyperventilation. What. The. Fuck. alsekfjsdlfjasdljfsljfs. Zooey Deschanel and Ben Gibbard. ENGAGED. Holy mother of emo!!! But, but, but. I mean, congrats, but why didn't I know they were dating??? I need to meet them both. I want to hug them. Then slightly molest Ben Gibbard. No fair. She gets that writing genius all to herself.
Excuse me why I go cry myself to sleep.
Excuse me why I go cry myself to sleep.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
This....Makes Me Feel Better......For Some Reason

These photos are probably a year apart, or maybe two. But Joe wore the same shirt all this time apart. Why should it matter to me or anyone else?
First, I want this shirt. I have wanted it since seeing Joe wear it in September.
Second, he kept it. He has all the money in the world to wear something new every goddamn day yet he wears this shirt because it's one of his favorites, apparently. It makes me feel like he's a normal guy.
Third, someone find me this shirt. Since it's old, it'll be hella hard to find. I guess I know the solution. Go find Joe, and ask him myself. I bet he doesn't get that question often.
The Three BAMFS of Batman
And no, not Heath Ledger. While he played a cool character, a Bad Ass Mother Fucker is more of a hero who is fucking awesome. Ledger was simply fucking scary ass cool. A FSAC if you will. No, no, a CAMF. Crazy Ass Mother Fucker. There. I've just made a new word. You better recognize. If you use that, ten bucks to me. I'm going to patent that shit.
Anyways, the three BAMFs are as follows:
Gary Oldman
Christian Bale
Michael Caine
In no order, naturally. Obviously Bale is on the list, he's the coolest Batman ever. I just love how he's always playing the playboy when really he's this amazing symbol saving society. I love his other persona. Makes me smile.
Gary Oldman is just fucking BOSS. I mean, I was not really into him when he played Sirius but now I loooove him. I cried in the Dark Knight. Ask Finnish Spitz. I was really emotional when he...well, I can't spoil it. When he left the screen, we'll say.
And how about Michael Caine? I mean, seriously. Dude has a complete backstory for Alfred and he doesn't even need to. I love him. I want to meet him. SOOO bad. Any of these BAMFs. I'd take any of them. :D
Anyways, the three BAMFs are as follows:
Gary Oldman
Christian Bale
Michael Caine
In no order, naturally. Obviously Bale is on the list, he's the coolest Batman ever. I just love how he's always playing the playboy when really he's this amazing symbol saving society. I love his other persona. Makes me smile.
Gary Oldman is just fucking BOSS. I mean, I was not really into him when he played Sirius but now I loooove him. I cried in the Dark Knight. Ask Finnish Spitz. I was really emotional when he...well, I can't spoil it. When he left the screen, we'll say.
And how about Michael Caine? I mean, seriously. Dude has a complete backstory for Alfred and he doesn't even need to. I love him. I want to meet him. SOOO bad. Any of these BAMFs. I'd take any of them. :D
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tips for Packing for Winter Break
Pack pants. You'd think this would be an easy, obvious thing, but clearly not for me. I'm the kind of gal who left every pair of pants she owns at her dorm room. Kudos to a close mall and cheap pants at Forever 21.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Mind Significantly Blown
I was watching some video on the most inspirational speeches in movies. Many connected to Orlando Bloom.(Kingdom of Heaven[gosh, I saw that on opening day, and I can't remember a single moment in that damn movie], LOTR, POTC[if you don't know those acranyms, then jump in front of a bus, k?], and Troy) But really, that wasn't what blew my mind(because seriously, Orlando Bloom =/=Inspirational Speech-maker. Hot beyond belief, yes, but not good on the inspiration. Well, he did inspire me a lot. Inspired me to buy a lot of things that I do not wear, need, and will show to any person now). Now, that I've gotten really off-track, I come to one of the greatest speeches EVER.
Oh Captain, My Captain.

Seriously, how cannot that get you? Gosh, after seeing that movie like three times in one year in different classes(my sophomore year was the year of the Dead Poets Society, true fact.), I was in love. It was such a touching story. Soooo heartbreaking, but so...inspiring.
ONTD said something of interest that made me think of tragic story of Neil Perry. Determined to be an actor, and forced by his father to do medicine, he killed himself(I can't even remember how, but he went kinda cookoo. Look at the picture below.)

I really never noticed him, like, at all. The actor I mean. But ONTD told me something of interest that still blows my mind.
Where is young Neil Perry now? Huh? Where did he end up?
Oh I don't know, being the saner but less cool half of the niftiest Bromance on tv today(Ted/Marshall/Barney are the awesomest).

Neil Perry ended up being a doctor!!!!!! The irony!!!!! My mind is blown to bits on this relevation. Which isn't good, because I still have another final to take. What if my mind is so blown I can't remember what the answers are? I can't even remember what's on the test!!!! Fuck me. Time to go study some more.
I wanna watch Dead Poets Society. Who's got it, and who's gonna let me watch it over break? ;)
Oh Captain, My Captain.

Seriously, how cannot that get you? Gosh, after seeing that movie like three times in one year in different classes(my sophomore year was the year of the Dead Poets Society, true fact.), I was in love. It was such a touching story. Soooo heartbreaking, but so...inspiring.
ONTD said something of interest that made me think of tragic story of Neil Perry. Determined to be an actor, and forced by his father to do medicine, he killed himself(I can't even remember how, but he went kinda cookoo. Look at the picture below.)

I really never noticed him, like, at all. The actor I mean. But ONTD told me something of interest that still blows my mind.
Where is young Neil Perry now? Huh? Where did he end up?
Oh I don't know, being the saner but less cool half of the niftiest Bromance on tv today(Ted/Marshall/Barney are the awesomest).
Neil Perry ended up being a doctor!!!!!! The irony!!!!! My mind is blown to bits on this relevation. Which isn't good, because I still have another final to take. What if my mind is so blown I can't remember what the answers are? I can't even remember what's on the test!!!! Fuck me. Time to go study some more.
I wanna watch Dead Poets Society. Who's got it, and who's gonna let me watch it over break? ;)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Obvious Much?
I love the boys. We've had falling outs all the damn time. And I rarely read Jonas Secrets. But everyone was up in arms over this:

Win, on the account they made a Jonas Secret. Fail, on the account of making it so goddamn obvious. It doesn't look shopped, but who knows. I hope it isn't. It gives me faith in the boys.
Oh, and I BET Joe did this. He seems like the one. Especially the one who would cap himself.

Win, on the account they made a Jonas Secret. Fail, on the account of making it so goddamn obvious. It doesn't look shopped, but who knows. I hope it isn't. It gives me faith in the boys.
Oh, and I BET Joe did this. He seems like the one. Especially the one who would cap himself.
That's Enough, Jessica Alba(Part 4)
Dear Jessica Alba,
I warned you. You were supposed to stop acting. And what do you do to get back at me??? Get a gig on The Office? Oh, it's on. I swear to God I'm gonna hire an assassin to get you wounded so you can't do the episode. Because I won't leave an innocent baby motherless. Maybe I'll paralyze you so you can never act. I just can't believe. WHORE!!!!
Why do you have to go on and murder The Office? It was already going downhill, you're going to kill it!!!!!!
Excuse me while I go mourn The Office.
Widow of the Office
I warned you. You were supposed to stop acting. And what do you do to get back at me??? Get a gig on The Office? Oh, it's on. I swear to God I'm gonna hire an assassin to get you wounded so you can't do the episode. Because I won't leave an innocent baby motherless. Maybe I'll paralyze you so you can never act. I just can't believe. WHORE!!!!
Why do you have to go on and murder The Office? It was already going downhill, you're going to kill it!!!!!!
Excuse me while I go mourn The Office.
Widow of the Office
Tips On Taking a Final
It reduces the chance of being completely mortified when the phone goes off.
Oh, and don't have your ringtone saying your name. Even more awkward.
This might be funnier if I was making it all up. All true, all me. UGH.
It reduces the chance of being completely mortified when the phone goes off.
Oh, and don't have your ringtone saying your name. Even more awkward.
This might be funnier if I was making it all up. All true, all me. UGH.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Another Joke
What does a Canadian wish for when they blow out the candles on their birthday cake?
They're too scared to do it!(or something along those lines)
They're too scared to do it!(or something along those lines)
A Joke
How many Canadians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
In scared Canadian accent: "Oh no, who turned out the lights???"
In scared Canadian accent: "Oh no, who turned out the lights???"
Am I The Only One Who Hates Harry Connick Jr?
I think I am. I cannot stand that man. I do not find him any bit cute, and I really don't know about his singing, I just hate him. ONTD is going all nuts on how much they love him. And I feel like I want to hurl. Seriously, Harry Connick Jr. is fug as hell.
What The Fuck is....
....Twitter? Please, someone fucking explain it to me. I'm lost. I really need help on this one.
Jorma Taccone is Married
What. The. Fuck? He was the dorky adorable guy I wanted to marry. Fucking bitch. I hate this woman. I really do. I'm actually really upset now(but not just about this) but damn, this just brought me to rock bottom. Fuck me. :(
At least Andy Samberg is still free, right? Please say so.
Adding this in because it's a new hit: I just jizzed in my pants. Laugh Out Loud. I laugh at how popular it is, not at the actual skit. The real skit kinda creeped me out.
At least Andy Samberg is still free, right? Please say so.
Adding this in because it's a new hit: I just jizzed in my pants. Laugh Out Loud. I laugh at how popular it is, not at the actual skit. The real skit kinda creeped me out.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Who Knew?
Bob Saget was such a badass? Like, he got in trouble for saying bad stuff on the Full House set. And he was a workaholic. Really, he was a bamf. No lie. I like, totally like him now. No fucking lie.
I miss Full House. I fucking love that show.
I miss Full House. I fucking love that show.
The Evolution/De-Evolution of a Word
Me and Finnish Spitz love the show "How I Met Your Mother." It's an awesome show, if you don't watch it. Go watch it. No, really. I'm serious. I'll beat you if you don't watch it. Jason Segel? Genius. NPH? Legen-wait for it-dary. Robin Sparkles? Um, let's go to the mall! TODAY! Ted Mosby, architect? Pfft, yeah. Lily? She's funny. haha. So please, go watch it. I'm serious. I want to hear people go watch the show, and fall in love. Because you will.
Anyways, if you've noticed, the title of the show is kinda long. Thus, we said HIMYM. Pronounced him-yim. For some time, we enjoyed our little name. No one understood when we said it. So then we'd explain it to said person, and try to sneak in an episode to get people hooked.
Then the word got ruined.
How, you ask? By people saying, "that's not how it's pronounced." And overuse and mispronounciation by a certain parental unit.
Once, it was something so special and beloved by me and Finnish Spitz, and now? It's soo fucking annoying. I miss the special times me and Finnish Spitz had with the word.
Anyways, if you've noticed, the title of the show is kinda long. Thus, we said HIMYM. Pronounced him-yim. For some time, we enjoyed our little name. No one understood when we said it. So then we'd explain it to said person, and try to sneak in an episode to get people hooked.
Then the word got ruined.
How, you ask? By people saying, "that's not how it's pronounced." And overuse and mispronounciation by a certain parental unit.
Once, it was something so special and beloved by me and Finnish Spitz, and now? It's soo fucking annoying. I miss the special times me and Finnish Spitz had with the word.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Moon Casting
Something I saw on ONTD which really made me laugh. It's too true.
Summit getting RPattz to do "New Moon."
SE: We want you to be Edward again.
RPattz: Did you not see the shit talking I've been doing for the past few months? No.
SE: We'll up your salary by $10 mil.
RPattz:...Fuck my life.
Those get me every time.
Summit getting RPattz to do "New Moon."
SE: We want you to be Edward again.
RPattz: Did you not see the shit talking I've been doing for the past few months? No.
SE: We'll up your salary by $10 mil.
RPattz:...Fuck my life.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Epic Kitty

Finnish Spitz led me to this amazing cat. I want it i want it i want it i want it. Did you get that? I want it! Not that I don't love my cats, but seriously, they like, must not love me anymore. They're all over my dad now. I want a cat for my dorm. A pretty Scottish Fold. They're soooo cute! I mean, look at this cat! It has fucking blog. How epic is that? I'm jealous. I want my cat to have a blog. She does get the cover of all my Christmas cards. Though she hates when I dress her up. Seriously, what cat wouldn't want to be dressed up in a Playboy shirt? Or a Santa outfit? Pfft.
Here is Epic Kitty:
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wanted: A Secure Third Year
I'm a person who lives at the bottom. I expect things to fall apart. I've always been like that. The first time my plans for UPark fell through, I was hurt, but hey, I got through it. The second time I wasn't too upset. I kinda expected it. For some reason, everyone thinks that living with me will ruin a friendship? Am I that like, um, messed up? Damn. I had no idea.
Anyways, now I really don't know what to do. I kinda want to live off campus because of the freedom, but I don't have anyone to find an apartment with, so I'd need to go and find a group already formed. Which I might do. It'll be....interesting. I thought this one place was nice, but then I saw that rent is 725 a month. Mother fucker. I am not made of fucking money, let me tell you. I think even like, 400 is a lot. I'm a cheapo, what can I say?
Then I kinda want to live on campus. I mean, the problems I would have are like, done with. But then again, I want the freedom of living off campus and being completely independent. I hate these kind of decisions. I mean, either way, I'm alone, and stuck with people I don't know. Curse people like my one sister who makes everything so goddamn easy. I mean, no offense to her, but out of five kids, four of us know that life isn't like, amazingly awesome. She's like fucking blessed, I swear. It's kinda annoying, because her life is what I want, and I know I'll never have. Seriously. Maybe I make things too complicated or something, because sometimes I wonder, should things like friends really be this difficult? Eh.
Off topic. Ok, going back onto that. I need opinions. And seriously, tell me you're reading, because I get all conscious and then I feel like I'm talking to crickets. I like to know I have more than three readers(my one sister, Finnish Spitz and S). I wonder about the rest of ya'll.
Really. What should I do? Or rather, what would YOU do if you were in my situation? I'm giving myself this weekend to decide.
Anyways, now I really don't know what to do. I kinda want to live off campus because of the freedom, but I don't have anyone to find an apartment with, so I'd need to go and find a group already formed. Which I might do. It'll be....interesting. I thought this one place was nice, but then I saw that rent is 725 a month. Mother fucker. I am not made of fucking money, let me tell you. I think even like, 400 is a lot. I'm a cheapo, what can I say?
Then I kinda want to live on campus. I mean, the problems I would have are like, done with. But then again, I want the freedom of living off campus and being completely independent. I hate these kind of decisions. I mean, either way, I'm alone, and stuck with people I don't know. Curse people like my one sister who makes everything so goddamn easy. I mean, no offense to her, but out of five kids, four of us know that life isn't like, amazingly awesome. She's like fucking blessed, I swear. It's kinda annoying, because her life is what I want, and I know I'll never have. Seriously. Maybe I make things too complicated or something, because sometimes I wonder, should things like friends really be this difficult? Eh.
Off topic. Ok, going back onto that. I need opinions. And seriously, tell me you're reading, because I get all conscious and then I feel like I'm talking to crickets. I like to know I have more than three readers(my one sister, Finnish Spitz and S). I wonder about the rest of ya'll.
Really. What should I do? Or rather, what would YOU do if you were in my situation? I'm giving myself this weekend to decide.
Dear Undisclosed Bitch
Dear Undisclosed Bitch,
Thought I'd write this. I'm not really angry at you. Just kinda, observing things. You know, this time last year, we were going to the mall a bunch and having a good time. I thought it would only get better than that. Yeah, it didn't. Somewhere along the long, you stopped talking to me, and then the summer hit. Nothing huh? Yeah, that happens over the summer. But I thought at least with you near me this year, we'd be better. Just a little bit. I see less of you now. Three steps. You don't even acknowledge me if I'm around. i got replaced real fast. I really trusted you, you know? Like, I told you things I didn't tell other people. We got each other birthday and Christmas presents. And this year? You didn't even wish me a happy fucking birthday. I mean, fuck. Is it that fucking hard? To write a few measly letters on a facebook wall? Really, now. And I even saw you! I think you saw me. I don't know. But we're down to the point you don't even acknowledge I exist. Goddamn. I know we weren't really great friends, but it just feels like the biggest snub I've ever seen. I sound like the one girl in Mean Girls, but I wish we could go back to being friends and all that stuff, because I never thought I'd really miss it. I'm not saying this is your fault, but I spend all this time in my room, and it's not bad anymore with my roommate, but, it used to be we were this trio. But I got replaced a few times over. It sucks.
An afterthought.
Thought I'd write this. I'm not really angry at you. Just kinda, observing things. You know, this time last year, we were going to the mall a bunch and having a good time. I thought it would only get better than that. Yeah, it didn't. Somewhere along the long, you stopped talking to me, and then the summer hit. Nothing huh? Yeah, that happens over the summer. But I thought at least with you near me this year, we'd be better. Just a little bit. I see less of you now. Three steps. You don't even acknowledge me if I'm around. i got replaced real fast. I really trusted you, you know? Like, I told you things I didn't tell other people. We got each other birthday and Christmas presents. And this year? You didn't even wish me a happy fucking birthday. I mean, fuck. Is it that fucking hard? To write a few measly letters on a facebook wall? Really, now. And I even saw you! I think you saw me. I don't know. But we're down to the point you don't even acknowledge I exist. Goddamn. I know we weren't really great friends, but it just feels like the biggest snub I've ever seen. I sound like the one girl in Mean Girls, but I wish we could go back to being friends and all that stuff, because I never thought I'd really miss it. I'm not saying this is your fault, but I spend all this time in my room, and it's not bad anymore with my roommate, but, it used to be we were this trio. But I got replaced a few times over. It sucks.
An afterthought.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What A Grammy Means
So I have heard a ton of times that Grammys are like, not really that great anymore. That they don't support the real artists, and just represent the older artists and forget about newer ones. Or that they give out a lot of awards(110 does seem a bit much, doesn't it?) But really, in my opinion, this is the pinnacle of the music industry. I mean, they're like the Oscars of Music.
So the fact that the Jonas Brothers were nominated for a Grammy, Best New Artist, is clearly a big deal. I don't think Disney, or Hollywood Records, has ever had a nominee. It's a big deal. I mean, go onto wikipedia and look at nominees and winners. The Beatles won this award 33 years ago. I mean, these performers are relevant. If you look at every one of them, almost all have had more than one hit, more than one good record, and are not a fleeting thing. I wouldn't care if they lost, which knowing the way the Grammys have voted probably will happen, I think that the nomination in itself is a big thing. Not everyone is nominatedl. Real artists are nominated. I mean, it's a big deal. Yes, the Grammys have had some faults, but what award show hasn't? Jennifer Hudson anyone? Yeah, exactly.
Anyways, I hope the Jonas Brothers take this and hold it dear. They've got competition. This year, I think, is full of great nominees. Seven nominations for Coldplay, and some for Death Cab for Cutie. Three of my favorite bands. I mean, the Jonas Brothers are going as Best New Artist in their third album. I just wish they were going farther away from Disney,and not closer. They deserve every bit of success they have, but Grammy winners for Best New Artist should not be Disney. You don't see Miley getting one, do you?
Hold up. Upon further investigation, I hope they don't win. Bad curse. Don't win, and I'll be happy. Nomination is good enough. Hell, they'll probably win. I just don't know.
So the fact that the Jonas Brothers were nominated for a Grammy, Best New Artist, is clearly a big deal. I don't think Disney, or Hollywood Records, has ever had a nominee. It's a big deal. I mean, go onto wikipedia and look at nominees and winners. The Beatles won this award 33 years ago. I mean, these performers are relevant. If you look at every one of them, almost all have had more than one hit, more than one good record, and are not a fleeting thing. I wouldn't care if they lost, which knowing the way the Grammys have voted probably will happen, I think that the nomination in itself is a big thing. Not everyone is nominatedl. Real artists are nominated. I mean, it's a big deal. Yes, the Grammys have had some faults, but what award show hasn't? Jennifer Hudson anyone? Yeah, exactly.
Anyways, I hope the Jonas Brothers take this and hold it dear. They've got competition. This year, I think, is full of great nominees. Seven nominations for Coldplay, and some for Death Cab for Cutie. Three of my favorite bands. I mean, the Jonas Brothers are going as Best New Artist in their third album. I just wish they were going farther away from Disney,and not closer. They deserve every bit of success they have, but Grammy winners for Best New Artist should not be Disney. You don't see Miley getting one, do you?
Hold up. Upon further investigation, I hope they don't win. Bad curse. Don't win, and I'll be happy. Nomination is good enough. Hell, they'll probably win. I just don't know.
Miley Sang A Hannah Song
To me, this is hella annoying. At the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting, Miley Cyrus performed "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree" which was released last year, under Hannah Montana. This year she released "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" under Miley Cyrus. This really bothers me. Because they're two different people. I know they're not two separate people, but the music is different, the hair and the clothing is different, thus, different people. She's the only person to have dual success, unlike Chris Gaines and Garth Brooks(lmao[which I have never typed in my life, until now] such a fail).
Anyways, it just bothers me. She should've either sung the Miley song, or sung as Hannah. You can't have both! Well, actually she can, but not here. It just really bothers me, I don't exactly know why. Keep the personas separate. Because once they melt together, all will be lost. The apocalypse might come, who knows.
Anyways, it just bothers me. She should've either sung the Miley song, or sung as Hannah. You can't have both! Well, actually she can, but not here. It just really bothers me, I don't exactly know why. Keep the personas separate. Because once they melt together, all will be lost. The apocalypse might come, who knows.
Teenie Converse Wearers, Just GTFO
You know, I was thinking about this last night. Converse. Such a part of fashion now, right? Demi Lovato mentions them in her song, and I mean, every Disney kid rocks them, and any person who thinks they're semi-cool wears them. Recently, people only get them because KStew, Miley, Nick and Joe Jonas, Demi, Selena, all of those kids wear them.
That pisses me off.
I mean, I remember when I was one of the first(if not first) to wear Converse in my high school. I remember the moment just as if it was yesterday. A Gadzook's at the Lancaster Mall. I remember my parents telling me how I used to wear them when I was little(I will have the same pair of ones I had one day, I swear). I was fascinated. For my birthday, I got black satin ones. I have never come across them again. They had purple chinese fabric on the inside. I loved them. Too much.
My second pair was high top green. Yeah, I had them way before Nick Jonas did. I loved those too. My third was a tri-pink. I got new laces for all three, and being the cool kid that I was, I wore two different ones at a time. I brought that shit back. No one at my school wore them, at least not to my knowledge. I was a visionary. I helped bring along Converse again.
And now, what are they? A staple. Everyone has a pair. Well, a good amount. That's all well and awesome for Converse, but I just feel like people wear them now because everyone else wears them. People get the regular low black. That was perhaps my fifth pair. I ventured with different colors. I was known for my Converse. I think I counted I had nine pair. I would wear the six pair i've had since ninth grade but they cramp my toes together and it hurts and wrecks them. I'm slowly building up my collection again. I had stopped wearing them for years because of the toe problem. If I had known to simply get a size bigger, I'd have a lot more.
This wasn't just a post to show off how many Converse I have. It's just, I know it's a pair of shoes(actually, no it's not, Shoes are my life), but they shaped my teenage years. I was so proud to wear them, and I felt like such an individual. I was that kid who wore the crazy shoes. That was ME. I loved it. Because I loved them. I never wore them because everyone else did. Never! If I thought they were cute, I was getting them. Yes, I have bought pairs other people wear, but not because they wore them. Because they were cute. There is a difference, dammit. I just feel like now, all those teenies who have to have the high top green converse because Nick wears them, or people wear the low black ones because Miley or Demi wear them. God, so annoying. Have some individuality. Like the shoes for shoes, not because of what they say about you.
Sorry, end of my rant.
That pisses me off.
I mean, I remember when I was one of the first(if not first) to wear Converse in my high school. I remember the moment just as if it was yesterday. A Gadzook's at the Lancaster Mall. I remember my parents telling me how I used to wear them when I was little(I will have the same pair of ones I had one day, I swear). I was fascinated. For my birthday, I got black satin ones. I have never come across them again. They had purple chinese fabric on the inside. I loved them. Too much.
My second pair was high top green. Yeah, I had them way before Nick Jonas did. I loved those too. My third was a tri-pink. I got new laces for all three, and being the cool kid that I was, I wore two different ones at a time. I brought that shit back. No one at my school wore them, at least not to my knowledge. I was a visionary. I helped bring along Converse again.
And now, what are they? A staple. Everyone has a pair. Well, a good amount. That's all well and awesome for Converse, but I just feel like people wear them now because everyone else wears them. People get the regular low black. That was perhaps my fifth pair. I ventured with different colors. I was known for my Converse. I think I counted I had nine pair. I would wear the six pair i've had since ninth grade but they cramp my toes together and it hurts and wrecks them. I'm slowly building up my collection again. I had stopped wearing them for years because of the toe problem. If I had known to simply get a size bigger, I'd have a lot more.
This wasn't just a post to show off how many Converse I have. It's just, I know it's a pair of shoes(actually, no it's not, Shoes are my life), but they shaped my teenage years. I was so proud to wear them, and I felt like such an individual. I was that kid who wore the crazy shoes. That was ME. I loved it. Because I loved them. I never wore them because everyone else did. Never! If I thought they were cute, I was getting them. Yes, I have bought pairs other people wear, but not because they wore them. Because they were cute. There is a difference, dammit. I just feel like now, all those teenies who have to have the high top green converse because Nick wears them, or people wear the low black ones because Miley or Demi wear them. God, so annoying. Have some individuality. Like the shoes for shoes, not because of what they say about you.
Sorry, end of my rant.
Who Loves Finnish Spitz? I Love Finnish Spitz!
Ha, I hit post originally with no text. Silly me. Oh well.
Anyways, it only took.....I'm gonna say 9 hours. But the lovely and great Finnish Spitz of The Drowsy Observer got me Anchorman. If any of you people noticed, this last two weeks, I have been dying to watch this movie. Kinda ever since I left Kim's and had watched there. It's just a damn epic movie. I mean, Ron Burgundy. Brian Fantana. Champ Kind. Brick (crap I forget his last name!). Garth. Anchormen gang fight. Bear fight! Baxter. Glass Case of Emotion. Seriously, I could go all day long like this. I mean, come on. If you've never seen the movie, just go away. I'm hurt.
But really, the real winner of this post is Finnish Spitz. She took time out of her day, sick to add, to get me the movie. It really made my crappy day better. I mean, she was the highlight. :D
And I watched it earlier. I might watch it later. Today has been a good day. I won a Fanbolt contest. Yay for posters signed by the mean girl by 90210. Loves it. I need to get together all my autographs. Crap. I'll be framing this poster I guess. ;)
Anyways, go visist Finnish Spitz's blog. Link is above. Do it, or do nothing and be a loser.
Anyways, it only took.....I'm gonna say 9 hours. But the lovely and great Finnish Spitz of The Drowsy Observer got me Anchorman. If any of you people noticed, this last two weeks, I have been dying to watch this movie. Kinda ever since I left Kim's and had watched there. It's just a damn epic movie. I mean, Ron Burgundy. Brian Fantana. Champ Kind. Brick (crap I forget his last name!). Garth. Anchormen gang fight. Bear fight! Baxter. Glass Case of Emotion. Seriously, I could go all day long like this. I mean, come on. If you've never seen the movie, just go away. I'm hurt.
But really, the real winner of this post is Finnish Spitz. She took time out of her day, sick to add, to get me the movie. It really made my crappy day better. I mean, she was the highlight. :D
And I watched it earlier. I might watch it later. Today has been a good day. I won a Fanbolt contest. Yay for posters signed by the mean girl by 90210. Loves it. I need to get together all my autographs. Crap. I'll be framing this poster I guess. ;)
Anyways, go visist Finnish Spitz's blog. Link is above. Do it, or do nothing and be a loser.
Birthdays in Britmas

I forgot to wish Miss B. Spears a killer birthday. Her cd is incredible, and well, she just is. If only I could get to one of her damn concerts. SOOO peeved. Anyone wanna come to Newark with me? Seriously. I'm not faking. Dead serious here kids. I wanna go sooooo bad. UGH! I hate bad tour dates. It's like the Killers all over. motherfuckers.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
That's Enough, Jessica Alba(Part 3)

Haven't I told you this enough times??? Stop trying. Seriously. Take your baby and your baby daddy and just, get the fuck out of LA or anywhere a camera will find you. I mean, seriously, you can't act, you're not cool, and this dress? What, did you want to wear a blimp? I mean, fuck. Your whole outfit equals Fail. Just, go away. Please? I'll pay you.
Eyes Burnt Out
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I Will Get These Damn Shoes

No lie, eventually I'll have those darn shoes. Fuck, both Nick and Miley wore those shoes. I must have them!!!!
Hannah Montana,
Jonas Brothers,
Miley Cyrus,
Once Again, They're Teasing Me
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Two Actors I lllluuuuuuvvvvvvv..........
Paul Rudd and Edward Norton.
Seriously. These two actors are so different from each other, but they're both equally amazing.
To start, Paul Rudd is a king of that kind of I'd rather be dead, so bored, comedy. He's flat, and obnoxious, usually not in a main role. He is usually the guy who provides some of the best laughs but is not the catch. But he is. I mean, I just saw Role Models, and I have to admit, whole heartedly, that was the greatest movie I have seen in a while. I have never laughed so hard. Not fucking kidding. I mean, think about it. Where would Forgetting(oh my gosh, I totally wrote Finding) Sarah Marshall be? Knocked Up? Clueless?!?!? Seriously, that man is fucking awesome. I plan on seeing every movie he is in. Which is a lot. He's been in a shitload of stuff.
Now, Edward Norton. I have never really gotten to see any of his films, but I just saw the Incredible Hulk, and instead of being some random superhero movie, it was so much more. More of a chase movie, and Norton made it amazing. I mean, I was in love. When I was little, I had seen parts of American History X, and Fight Club. Only parts. Fight Club moreso. But I was little. But tonight, I watched Fight Club again. Holy fuck, it was amazing. I mean, this guy is so deep into his acting. He's probably a real douche in life, but I'll deal with that. He's so incredible.
I wish I could write more, but HIMYM is on. Swarlos is calling me. :D
Seriously. These two actors are so different from each other, but they're both equally amazing.
To start, Paul Rudd is a king of that kind of I'd rather be dead, so bored, comedy. He's flat, and obnoxious, usually not in a main role. He is usually the guy who provides some of the best laughs but is not the catch. But he is. I mean, I just saw Role Models, and I have to admit, whole heartedly, that was the greatest movie I have seen in a while. I have never laughed so hard. Not fucking kidding. I mean, think about it. Where would Forgetting(oh my gosh, I totally wrote Finding) Sarah Marshall be? Knocked Up? Clueless?!?!? Seriously, that man is fucking awesome. I plan on seeing every movie he is in. Which is a lot. He's been in a shitload of stuff.
Now, Edward Norton. I have never really gotten to see any of his films, but I just saw the Incredible Hulk, and instead of being some random superhero movie, it was so much more. More of a chase movie, and Norton made it amazing. I mean, I was in love. When I was little, I had seen parts of American History X, and Fight Club. Only parts. Fight Club moreso. But I was little. But tonight, I watched Fight Club again. Holy fuck, it was amazing. I mean, this guy is so deep into his acting. He's probably a real douche in life, but I'll deal with that. He's so incredible.
I wish I could write more, but HIMYM is on. Swarlos is calling me. :D
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Why I Love Thanksgiving

The parade. I'm sorry but it's been this tradition in my life that is a constant. I usually only catch the last few minutes but this year, I got to see most of it. And sorry, I love it. I hope to get to go there one day. I mean, it's just such a fun time. It's so carefree, and innocent that I just have to think back to when I was little. It's in the 82nd year, and started in 1927, same year as my Nana. That obviously comes a little bittersweet, but that's okay.
Oh a fun Thanksgiving day story I love to tell. Ninth grade English. My teacher loved to give really hard extra credit questions. And it was around Thanksgiving, and he asked what year the Macy's Parade began. It was the 76th year, and last year they made it a big deal that it was the 75th year. I remembered that. So I thought, what year would that make it? I knew my Nana was the same age. Therefore, 1927. After the test, he gave us the answer and I did a "yes" little arm thing(it's really hard to describe) and everyone was floored that I know. I just love how much I love the Parade.
Really, I don't know how people can't watch. It's just this constant in history, and makes me smile. If I ever became famous, I want to be on there. I don't care how fucking cold it'd be, I wanna be a part. :)
CBS is also broadcasting the parade. Fail, CBS. It's all about NBC. They own the thing.
The one float was Rick Rolled. Rick Fucking Astley came out. How fucking BOSS is that? I mean, no lie, I was dying. It was the best moment ever.
I might have to get that new Bolt song from Miley Cyrus. Pretty decent.
Okay, rant over. Go watch the Parade. Happy Thanksgiving. :)
Push Fail
So I've been watching the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade(more on that soon) and Push Play was on a float. And I've never really listened to them at all, and well, eh. They sounded like a mix between Fall Out Boy and like, the Academy Is, and crap, another band that I remembered and now cant. Seriously, they sounded just like a bad combo of all the other bands I enjoy. And frankly, that's really annoying. So yeah, not listening to them, and all those stupid Disney Secrets kids who like, LOVE Push Play, go the fuck away.
I Could Have Been There
OMG, she's, like, smoking!!!
Movies I Love But I Probably Shouldn't Watch Too Often
The Departed. I fuckin' love that movie. The blood, the gore, the cursing, that's no problem at all. But the problem is that I have this thing where I listen to Boston accents, and I just want to do the accent. At this moment I stopped watching the show, and all I want to do is make a Boston accent. It's become an issue. I think I need to leave the room and be alone so I can talk my Boston accent and be happy.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So, for the third time in a year, RPattz is on the front cover of EW. I love the magazine, I really do, but seriously, there are so many others that deserve the cover more. I mean, really. They must have some crush on RPattz. Really. Yeah, I don't know.I mean, hell, he's fucking sexy as shit, no doubt about that. But really? Again? Sigh.
Oh, and ten points to who gets the title of this blog. Like, what am I referencing?
Moments Like These Make Me Smile
You Know You're Obsessed When...
Your dad goes to you while watching the Jonas Brothers: "Oh look, your boyfriend is playing an Explorer."
Props to my dad.
Other thoughts during Jimmy Kimmel performance/interview:
-McBurglar? McFail, Joe.
-I love Kevin in hats.
-They shouted out to fans. Again. Yay.
-Joe forgot what part he was saying. He should have gone "Girl, you're outta control." He said "Girl, I think you're outta control." He started the first one, "Girl, I think you and me would make a good couple." I think. I don't know.
-Nick played the solo. At least, my dad thinks so. Either he fakes it very well, or he truly did it. Either way, yay.
-Best shot after Jimmy dressed as a girl. I died. I need that picture.
Props to my dad.
Other thoughts during Jimmy Kimmel performance/interview:
-McBurglar? McFail, Joe.
-I love Kevin in hats.
-They shouted out to fans. Again. Yay.
-Joe forgot what part he was saying. He should have gone "Girl, you're outta control." He said "Girl, I think you're outta control." He started the first one, "Girl, I think you and me would make a good couple." I think. I don't know.
-Nick played the solo. At least, my dad thinks so. Either he fakes it very well, or he truly did it. Either way, yay.
-Best shot after Jimmy dressed as a girl. I died. I need that picture.
Oh, uh, here's a review. Twihards, beware.
So I'm writing this review out(and now typing it out, like, three days later) in the middle of the night because I'm nocturnal/insomniatic. After watching Twilight, I felt....the same. Exactly the same. Maybe because my Twilight obsession was quite fleeting. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it. I do. I just feel like I have a life outside it. I'll still buy whatever I can, and see the movie again. Because, I enjoyed it. A lot. I really did. Catherine Hardwick did a great job. Not that I didn't expect her to. She did some scenes so differently. Angles all weird, zooms done inaccurate, very reminiscent of Thirteen. But it was so...elegant. I was transfixed. Then the teenies would do something and I'd roll my eyes. I almost ended up hating the movie because of them.
While the story was slightly changed, the screenwriters did an excellent job of getting all the scenes that were important. The dialogue was...par. I really loathe the lamb/lion exchange. I wanted to kill myself, frankly. I don't care how many Twihards get mad, IT DIDN'T FIT. Some loyalties must be demolished in order to make the movie better.
Then, the actors. Real actors. I'm glad they took this seriously. Every vampire actor clearly researched. Mannerisms, quirks, voice. Very loyal. (Examples: Jackson Rathbone's always in pain movement, Rosalie's icy demeanor, Emmett's big teddy bear quality) I even enjoyed Kristen Stewart, who I was very unsure of. She wasn't a fake character. She played the character real, and true. Her stammering in the hospital, for example. Not many movies continually let an actress just stammer for a while. But a real person would. It showed the confusion and speed her mind was going at. I was impressed.
But the real and obvious star. Robert Pattinson. The devotion and seriousness he took was refreshing. That character consumed him. Method acting is always a treat to watch. Movements, words, breathing, everything was planned. He made Edward enjoyable again. I felt there was a broken strength in him. Example? When he is completely losing it in the forest. The sheer power behind Pattinson's eyes was enough. He just played this character not like an enigmatic being from a recent book hit, but like a person who has a lot of issues. I really can't wait to see Pattinson in Little Ashes. I have no doubt there is an Oscar nomination in his future(highly unlikely for Twilight, though).
What is so interesting about Pattinson is that he's anti-Hollywood. No, not normal. Normal is what, say, Taylor Swift does sometimes. Stays away and tries to live a normal life. No, it's a little obvious, to me at least, Pattinson loathes his fame. I think that's why he is slowly destroying his image of teen heartthrob. He reminds me of an early Johnny Depp. The passion is acting, not fame or money. They enjoy what they do. Just not the fame, press involved. I feel like Pattinson is semi-thankful for his loads of fans, but also despises them. Because they like him for the wrong reason. Because he's Edward. That's why in any interview, he stresses his devotion to the character and the disgustingness of himself. To be unliked. He's 22, let him do whatever he wants. He doesn't want to be the Twilight golden boy(no pun intended). Let Taylor Lautner do that. It's just all these teenies have clung to Pattinson like a fourth Jonas Brother. Clearly there'll be a Twilight sequel. It was announced the day after the first premiered. I'm afraid that I do not want one.
See, the real lacker in the movie was....the story. And not just the movie, the books too. Oh, if you don't want to hear me back she story/get retrospective(Finnish Spitz, you're not allowed to read until you read the first book), just skip til I say so.
Anyways. It isn't like I don't like the books. They(meaning 1,3,4) never seemed real to me. Enticing, yes, but I felt no reality. I hate romance. While I'd love to have some great romance, I doubt I will. It's too cliched for my liking. I'm a cynicist, a pessimist. I'd rather live in reality than fall from the clouds. With my expectations(usually) everything is up. Yes, I have had some high expectations of things, but I generally try to stay down on the ground. This gets me in trouble. Especially since I talk. So, if you're too high in the clouds to read this, or deal with my shit, simply leave and watch some Cinderella. That shit never ends badly. ;)
Anyways(again), I never believed Edward and Bella as in love. The movie heightened this notion. No doubt Stewart and Pattinson have chemistry, but I refuse to believe the characters are in love. Fascination is not love. I mean, Edward was fascinated with Bella for her scent, and he couldn't read her mind. Bella was fascinated because he was fascinated(and because he was a fucking creeper). I seemed to have missed the love part. I shall blame Stephenie Meyer. She began writing from those two in love, and wrote to the end, then filled the background.(She also was crazy. She would converse with Edward and Bella and they did things because they were "strong characters." Hmm, no. I never saw either as strong. They wish-washed, did random things, and were...by the ending, annoying. I've stopped Breaking Dawn because Bella is a dumbass and Edward is a pussy. Until Pattinson, I never really understood Edward. I finally was given insight). Meyer simply never developed the love part. Fascination, yes, but not love. And the movie did less. It moved too quickly. Two months to be in love and give up your entire life? Well, congrats to you Bella. Up until the vampire thing, we were similar. I can deal with the vamp thing, but to be in love? Go fucking live life. You don't start aging until like, 21. Four years. Live you fucking life, you stupid anti-feminist damsel.
See, the reason I think I loved New Moon so much because it felt real. Meyer described the pain wonderfully.(About her writing: no, it's not great. But it's not horrible. The POV is a 17 year old girl. Of course it won't be amazing. Cut the girl some slack. For one dream, crazy lady wrote pretty decent). I felt connected to Bella. After that, slowly out the window.
If you were skipping, start reading here. Twilight is a good series, a good movie. It could be better. You know my reasons why. I could elaborate on this all day long. Seriously. But, I want to hear your opinoins. Don't just skip this.
Comment. Please???
Oh, overall grade: B
Story: D
Acting: A
Filming/Directing: A-
While the story was slightly changed, the screenwriters did an excellent job of getting all the scenes that were important. The dialogue was...par. I really loathe the lamb/lion exchange. I wanted to kill myself, frankly. I don't care how many Twihards get mad, IT DIDN'T FIT. Some loyalties must be demolished in order to make the movie better.
Then, the actors. Real actors. I'm glad they took this seriously. Every vampire actor clearly researched. Mannerisms, quirks, voice. Very loyal. (Examples: Jackson Rathbone's always in pain movement, Rosalie's icy demeanor, Emmett's big teddy bear quality) I even enjoyed Kristen Stewart, who I was very unsure of. She wasn't a fake character. She played the character real, and true. Her stammering in the hospital, for example. Not many movies continually let an actress just stammer for a while. But a real person would. It showed the confusion and speed her mind was going at. I was impressed.
But the real and obvious star. Robert Pattinson. The devotion and seriousness he took was refreshing. That character consumed him. Method acting is always a treat to watch. Movements, words, breathing, everything was planned. He made Edward enjoyable again. I felt there was a broken strength in him. Example? When he is completely losing it in the forest. The sheer power behind Pattinson's eyes was enough. He just played this character not like an enigmatic being from a recent book hit, but like a person who has a lot of issues. I really can't wait to see Pattinson in Little Ashes. I have no doubt there is an Oscar nomination in his future(highly unlikely for Twilight, though).
What is so interesting about Pattinson is that he's anti-Hollywood. No, not normal. Normal is what, say, Taylor Swift does sometimes. Stays away and tries to live a normal life. No, it's a little obvious, to me at least, Pattinson loathes his fame. I think that's why he is slowly destroying his image of teen heartthrob. He reminds me of an early Johnny Depp. The passion is acting, not fame or money. They enjoy what they do. Just not the fame, press involved. I feel like Pattinson is semi-thankful for his loads of fans, but also despises them. Because they like him for the wrong reason. Because he's Edward. That's why in any interview, he stresses his devotion to the character and the disgustingness of himself. To be unliked. He's 22, let him do whatever he wants. He doesn't want to be the Twilight golden boy(no pun intended). Let Taylor Lautner do that. It's just all these teenies have clung to Pattinson like a fourth Jonas Brother. Clearly there'll be a Twilight sequel. It was announced the day after the first premiered. I'm afraid that I do not want one.
See, the real lacker in the movie was....the story. And not just the movie, the books too. Oh, if you don't want to hear me back she story/get retrospective(Finnish Spitz, you're not allowed to read until you read the first book), just skip til I say so.
Anyways. It isn't like I don't like the books. They(meaning 1,3,4) never seemed real to me. Enticing, yes, but I felt no reality. I hate romance. While I'd love to have some great romance, I doubt I will. It's too cliched for my liking. I'm a cynicist, a pessimist. I'd rather live in reality than fall from the clouds. With my expectations(usually) everything is up. Yes, I have had some high expectations of things, but I generally try to stay down on the ground. This gets me in trouble. Especially since I talk. So, if you're too high in the clouds to read this, or deal with my shit, simply leave and watch some Cinderella. That shit never ends badly. ;)
Anyways(again), I never believed Edward and Bella as in love. The movie heightened this notion. No doubt Stewart and Pattinson have chemistry, but I refuse to believe the characters are in love. Fascination is not love. I mean, Edward was fascinated with Bella for her scent, and he couldn't read her mind. Bella was fascinated because he was fascinated(and because he was a fucking creeper). I seemed to have missed the love part. I shall blame Stephenie Meyer. She began writing from those two in love, and wrote to the end, then filled the background.(She also was crazy. She would converse with Edward and Bella and they did things because they were "strong characters." Hmm, no. I never saw either as strong. They wish-washed, did random things, and were...by the ending, annoying. I've stopped Breaking Dawn because Bella is a dumbass and Edward is a pussy. Until Pattinson, I never really understood Edward. I finally was given insight). Meyer simply never developed the love part. Fascination, yes, but not love. And the movie did less. It moved too quickly. Two months to be in love and give up your entire life? Well, congrats to you Bella. Up until the vampire thing, we were similar. I can deal with the vamp thing, but to be in love? Go fucking live life. You don't start aging until like, 21. Four years. Live you fucking life, you stupid anti-feminist damsel.
See, the reason I think I loved New Moon so much because it felt real. Meyer described the pain wonderfully.(About her writing: no, it's not great. But it's not horrible. The POV is a 17 year old girl. Of course it won't be amazing. Cut the girl some slack. For one dream, crazy lady wrote pretty decent). I felt connected to Bella. After that, slowly out the window.
If you were skipping, start reading here. Twilight is a good series, a good movie. It could be better. You know my reasons why. I could elaborate on this all day long. Seriously. But, I want to hear your opinoins. Don't just skip this.
Comment. Please???
Oh, overall grade: B
Story: D
Acting: A
Filming/Directing: A-
Friday, November 21, 2008
Gender Issues
I still refuse to believe. I was taken for a complete blow this weekend. My whole childhood, it crumbled before me. All these memories, they no longer seemed correct. I doubted everything I knew and loved when I was little. There's this odd, vacant hole in my heart that doesn't know how to process these things. I just feel so....used. So, betrayed to. Lied to. It was all a lie. They never told me? Why? Why couldn't they come out and just say it? Why did they let me assume things that weren't true? Now, I can never trust them again.

Magenta was a fucking boy. What. The. Fuck. I got that Blue was a girl, and Periwinkle was a boy, but I NEVER expected Magenta to be a boy. Goddamn, Nickelodeon was going against some gender roles there. Blue is for boys, pink is for girls. They totally changed that shit up. No one ever knew they were totally for Prop 8. Well, Nickelodeon, I salute you. I just wish you had told me. I didn't have to hear it from my friend who our musical director dated Steve(who by the way, is looking mighty fucked up, and is 35. Poor guy).

Magenta was a fucking boy. What. The. Fuck. I got that Blue was a girl, and Periwinkle was a boy, but I NEVER expected Magenta to be a boy. Goddamn, Nickelodeon was going against some gender roles there. Blue is for boys, pink is for girls. They totally changed that shit up. No one ever knew they were totally for Prop 8. Well, Nickelodeon, I salute you. I just wish you had told me. I didn't have to hear it from my friend who our musical director dated Steve(who by the way, is looking mighty fucked up, and is 35. Poor guy).
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Jonas = Fail
Not just the show, them. I like them as people, I like them as musicians, but lately I cannot stand them! Like, goddamn, do something your own fucking age! Kevin is fuck 21, do something adult. Same with Joe. It's annoying. Like, ok, they're doing a show, but seriously, Kevin is still in high school? He doesn't look it. At least Jason Earles still looks young. Like, fuck. ARGH! And then this stupid 3d movie. Like, I'll go to a concert, of course, but seriously, I can't stand their decisions anymore. If they could do one thing, ONE thing, that their management didn't tell them to do, I'd be happy. It could be to just like, be fucking normal, and not the Disney Pussies they've become. Ugh. I don't even know anymore what they're trying to do, and what they actually want to do. It sucks when that happens. Because I have to feel ashamed. I have to defend them, because I still want to believe, but they're fucking Disney Pussies.
Boredom Has Brought Out A Bunch of Blogs, and Me Obsessing Over My Hair
So, today, was a boring day. And I have this mirror on my desk, because it's easier to do my makeup and shit at my desk than anywhere else. So I kind of always stare at my hair and make sure its cute. When I have a webcam, you'll be able to see how awkward I am at my computer.
And today, staring at my hair, I realized it does look like Hannah Montana's. I had gone to get my hair done a while back, and I used Hannah's new look as what I wanted. Though I never thought it looked a whole lot like hers, I love my new haircut. I missed having bangs. I think I can pull them off pretty awesomely. Anyways, I realized that my hair looks like Hannah's. And probably no one will agree with me. But I made this pic to kinda show it. Disregard my fugness and the bad pics.

Oh and the left hand pic? I just thought her dress was neat looking. All the other pics it look fug as shit, but this, it looked neat. Looks like her stylist took a white dress and poured dye and made it look awesome. I also sorta have those boots. She totally stole the idea from me. I've been wanting to rock those boots for like, months. Bitch.
And today, staring at my hair, I realized it does look like Hannah Montana's. I had gone to get my hair done a while back, and I used Hannah's new look as what I wanted. Though I never thought it looked a whole lot like hers, I love my new haircut. I missed having bangs. I think I can pull them off pretty awesomely. Anyways, I realized that my hair looks like Hannah's. And probably no one will agree with me. But I made this pic to kinda show it. Disregard my fugness and the bad pics.

Oh and the left hand pic? I just thought her dress was neat looking. All the other pics it look fug as shit, but this, it looked neat. Looks like her stylist took a white dress and poured dye and made it look awesome. I also sorta have those boots. She totally stole the idea from me. I've been wanting to rock those boots for like, months. Bitch.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This picture baffles me. Kevin and Joe need to get rid of those fucking outfits. Seriously, wtf. Nick looks alright, but seriously, I am so confused on this tv show. The first episode just sounds like a fail. And frankly, I think the whole show is a fail. They're supposed to be a band, not dumbass sell-outs for Disney. Though I probably would do the same thing if I was in their position. So I can't hate too much. I'll watch. All I know is they'll lose any bit of credibility as a real band with this. Too bad.
On other notes about this picture, I fucking want Kevin's guitar. NOW.
It's Always Sonny in Hazleton...
That was the first catchy title I've been able to come up with since like, forever. I'm pretty proud of it.
Anyways, this is a Demi Lovato post. Shoot me. I don't give a fuck. The name Sonny is actually really growing on me. I kinda love it now. Damn, now look what happened there. She even seems like a Sonny to me. Fuck, I thought I was gonna hate the whole show. I might like it. Might. But only because of these two awesome people pictured below.
Jo! Jo! Jo!!!! Oh my gosh, no fucking lie that excited me times a million. I love Nancy McKeon. She is BOSS. Haven't used that in forever. But really, I love this. I mean, fuck, if this has Jo from Facts of Life on it, it HAS to be good. I'm not lying. I will pretty much watch anything with her in it. Facts of Life reunion? Check. That crappy Christmas movie a few years ago? Oh hell yes. Her Lifetime TV show? A few times, yeah, I checked that shit out. I love Nancy McKeon. It's like how I love the DeLuises. They can do no wrong. I'll always love them.
Oh yeah and Demi is in the pic too. Fuck, I love her. Eventually I'll meet her....again. Damn, that sounds really conceited. Eh, I don't care.
There's also other pics from that particular episode of Sonny With A Chance.

I like......her shoes? I'm shaking my head in shame. But I'll still watch.
Anyways, this is a Demi Lovato post. Shoot me. I don't give a fuck. The name Sonny is actually really growing on me. I kinda love it now. Damn, now look what happened there. She even seems like a Sonny to me. Fuck, I thought I was gonna hate the whole show. I might like it. Might. But only because of these two awesome people pictured below.

Oh yeah and Demi is in the pic too. Fuck, I love her. Eventually I'll meet her....again. Damn, that sounds really conceited. Eh, I don't care.
There's also other pics from that particular episode of Sonny With A Chance.

I like......her shoes? I'm shaking my head in shame. But I'll still watch.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Birthday Presents.
So, today is my birthday. Last night I got a little cake from my suitemates and Hannah Montana stuff...so adorable. But since I'm like, away from all the people I want to spend it with, I have gotten a ton of Facebook, and a bunch of texts, but this blog, I believe has topped all:
I love Finnish Spitz, and oh my gosh, it was the sweetest thing ever.
And, not to forget, my lovely S for wishing me a happy birthday too!!!
So adorable!
I need to get home PRONTO. haha
I love Finnish Spitz, and oh my gosh, it was the sweetest thing ever.
And, not to forget, my lovely S for wishing me a happy birthday too!!!
So adorable!
I need to get home PRONTO. haha
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If U Seek Amy
Fuck yes. I am in love with Britney Spears' new songs. Four of them are all out: Womanizer, Kill The Lights, Circus, and If U Seek Amy. Fucking amazing. Like, I blame ONTD for getting into her more, but shit, I'd hate myself if I wasn't into these songs right now. They are so fucking good.AH! Listen to them, they're amazing.
Oh and don't get the lyrics I posted? Maybe you will with this....
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to F.U.C.K. me.
Fucking genius. I love her.
Oh and like every song leaked. Except three. But that's ok. I shall go revel in the amazingness of Britmas. :D
Oh and don't get the lyrics I posted? Maybe you will with this....
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to F.U.C.K. me.
Fucking genius. I love her.
Oh and like every song leaked. Except three. But that's ok. I shall go revel in the amazingness of Britmas. :D
Where the fuck did the hair come from?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
And Look What Two Years Does To Me and Brad!
A Trip Down a Wax Memory Lane
Taste the Happy!!!!!!
It kinda tastes like sad......
Jeffrey Tambor, the amazingly awesome actor, says the Arrested Development Movie is a go!!!!
Celebrations all around!!!!
If you don't know the show, well, shame on you. I hear the dvds on sale at Target for 15. I want them for my birthday! I have one season, but I don't know which one I have. Anyways....
Amazing AD gif time!!!!! and lol at the Franklin being in Twilight. :)

It's not easy being whiiiiitttteeeee......

Jeffrey Tambor, the amazingly awesome actor, says the Arrested Development Movie is a go!!!!
Celebrations all around!!!!
If you don't know the show, well, shame on you. I hear the dvds on sale at Target for 15. I want them for my birthday! I have one season, but I don't know which one I have. Anyways....
Amazing AD gif time!!!!! and lol at the Franklin being in Twilight. :)

It's not easy being whiiiiitttteeeee......

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Do You Want A Review? I've Got One.
I'm only doing one. Because frankly, I'm kinda ADD lately, and no lie, three reviews(HSM, Twilight, and Taylor Swift) would be sooooo much. Like, too much for me. But I guess if you begged, then yeah, I'd review the first two. Haha.
So I shall review Taylor's sophomore album, even though I'm listening to Girls Aloud, and I kinda don't want to stop. lol
Let's start, shall we?
Oh, and I tried to make this not all appear on the front page, but fuck that shit, it was too hard. They need something like ljcuts, which are easy.
1. Fearless - I should have reviewed this whole cd earlier, to give my first and most honest immediate thoughts. But I didn't. Because I've become really lazy with this. I can't help it.
Anyways, this song is, I don't know how to describe it, cute? She attempted to describe Fearless in her Thank You page, like what it means to her, and frankly I still don't know. I just love the imagery in this song.
2. Love Story - My second most played song. Never thought it would be owned by a country song. This is a cute song about a Romeo/Juliet relationship, and it just showcase some of Taylor's more imaginary images. Since she has gone on record and said that she wishes she could have this, it doesn't exist. Though she also claims there is a face to every song. Which is nice, I guess. But damn, she's 18 and had a lot of boys in her life. Fuck. I need to get her skills.
Random side note: I thought Juliet's dad hated Romeo. And then Juliet is an illegitimate love child from an adulter....I don't know, the images confuse me here.
3. Fifteen - Aw, shucks, such a cute coming of age story. To quote my roommate, "Someone lied to her." Really. It's a cute song, but I basically have nothing to relate in this song. I mean, it should be easily relatable, but not for me. Because I'm the girl who really doesn't know anything about love(oh and makes a lot of shit up in her poems). I also wish this was about PA. No....boo. She needs to start repping PA more. She only lived there for her first 14 years. Whatever.
4. Hey Stephen - The beginning of this song keeps getting stuck in my head. It's too catchy. I love how in country music, the 'g's just go away. That must be why Taylor liked Joe. They all hate the letter G. (Note: If you don't get that, go to this post[note again: link to be added when I have time]). It's a good song, not my favorite, but the great thing about her, is that all her songs just get into your head. She's great at good rhythms and words.
5. White Horse - I don't really understand the name. Just because it's like, a small little line in the song. I don't know. I'm weird like that. But it is a nice slow song. I really do like her slow ones, because I feel like a million emotions can come up to the surface.
Oh, and what is her obsession with princes and princesses? She really loves talking about them.
6. You Belong With Me - I knew I would like this song just from the images in the booklet. I really like this song, because it's definitely relateable, because, seriously, we've all been there. You know you're meant to be with someone, and they never notice you. God, not being noticed is my entirity. I used to be invisible in halls. I was made fun of it often. People just ran into me. Got pretty irksome after like, my life. Yeah, I went off topic. Anyways, this is definitely country-infused more than pop-infused. For some reason, Taylor makes me like country. Damn her.
7. Breathe - I like this song, but it's one of those songs where it's really pretty, but you don't really listen to it. It's kind of background music. I feel bad for Colbie Caillat, because you can't even hear her. Isn't that like, the opposite of what duets? I can't hear Colbie at all. Kinda sucks for her.
8. Tell Me Why -Very country-esque, with the violin(fiddle, if you want to go all country on me). I really like this song. It's hard to really dissect her music, because I'm always so focused on her lyrics. She's a great modern relationship writer. Obviously she isn't a writer like Paul McCartney or John Lennon, but she has a great grasp at the young girl's thoughts. And of course, you could say, yeah because she is one. Not necessarily. It takes a lot to be able to effectively get across a feeling everyone can relate to without it being so general and boring.
9. You're Not Sorry - Gosh, I really love this song. The chorus is so catchy, and dark, and it's not upbeat, but it's a fast tempo. I love those kind of songs. It's powerful, and not slow, but not fast. It's this song that cannot be defined well.
10. The Way I Loved You - I like the way that it should be the song about this great guy, but I think, she misses this old destructive relationship. The idea reminds me of "Get Back" by Demi. What is it with these girls and bad relationships? They love their fighting. I really like how she's in love with this guy who was so bad for her, but in essence, was so good for her. Though it's easy to know that it didn't work out.
11. Forever & Always - My favorite song. And no, not because it's about Joe Jonas. It's fucking catchy. The imagery of the rain in the bedroom always gets me. It's so random, so awkward, and that's what I think works for it so much. I also this Joe was an ass when he said "Forever & Always." I mean, seriously. They dated for two months. Ugh, jumping in and out of things much? Oh and "silence that cuts me to the core"? Also, amazing writing. Simple sentences like that catch me off guard, and I love it.
BTW, I didn't notice Camilla Belle at the beach, but she was. Well, it makes sense to me....her and Joe. If the eyebrows match....
12. The Best Day - It's an okay song. Obviously dedicated to her mom. And that's cute. Is her mom alive? I'm pretty sure she is. Because I just saw her video of voting. For some reason, this song felt like her mom was gone. Weird, I guess. Oh and the flashbacks obv take place in PA. Yay.
13. Change - Third favorite, and most pop/rock that she gets. It's such a good song. I really actually have no idea what the message is because I just love the music. Oh well.
Overall, B+. A great cd. I don't know what she could change, but I don't want to give her a perfect rating, but some of the stuff wasn't amazing. I don't know. Just go download it. Or ask me for the cd to have the songs. :)
Oh, and for bonus, I'm gonna rant about Taylor, and her writing. Aren't we excited?
So, I've vented about wanting to try music(See: this post[also will be added later because I'm lazy]) and Taylor really is a great inspiration to me. I feel like my poems are similar to her writing, so I always like having someone to look up to. Obviously, I can't play anything, and I'm basically just writing random shit. But rather than mine have a face to every story, it's what story outside my life can inspire some writing? Yeah, that's how I am.
Either way, her writing has become a great inspiration to me. A definite good role model. All she needs to do is start repping her PA roots more and not damn TN. Rawr.
So I shall review Taylor's sophomore album, even though I'm listening to Girls Aloud, and I kinda don't want to stop. lol
Let's start, shall we?
Oh, and I tried to make this not all appear on the front page, but fuck that shit, it was too hard. They need something like ljcuts, which are easy.
1. Fearless - I should have reviewed this whole cd earlier, to give my first and most honest immediate thoughts. But I didn't. Because I've become really lazy with this. I can't help it.
Anyways, this song is, I don't know how to describe it, cute? She attempted to describe Fearless in her Thank You page, like what it means to her, and frankly I still don't know. I just love the imagery in this song.
2. Love Story - My second most played song. Never thought it would be owned by a country song. This is a cute song about a Romeo/Juliet relationship, and it just showcase some of Taylor's more imaginary images. Since she has gone on record and said that she wishes she could have this, it doesn't exist. Though she also claims there is a face to every song. Which is nice, I guess. But damn, she's 18 and had a lot of boys in her life. Fuck. I need to get her skills.
Random side note: I thought Juliet's dad hated Romeo. And then Juliet is an illegitimate love child from an adulter....I don't know, the images confuse me here.
3. Fifteen - Aw, shucks, such a cute coming of age story. To quote my roommate, "Someone lied to her." Really. It's a cute song, but I basically have nothing to relate in this song. I mean, it should be easily relatable, but not for me. Because I'm the girl who really doesn't know anything about love(oh and makes a lot of shit up in her poems). I also wish this was about PA. No....boo. She needs to start repping PA more. She only lived there for her first 14 years. Whatever.
4. Hey Stephen - The beginning of this song keeps getting stuck in my head. It's too catchy. I love how in country music, the 'g's just go away. That must be why Taylor liked Joe. They all hate the letter G. (Note: If you don't get that, go to this post[note again: link to be added when I have time]). It's a good song, not my favorite, but the great thing about her, is that all her songs just get into your head. She's great at good rhythms and words.
5. White Horse - I don't really understand the name. Just because it's like, a small little line in the song. I don't know. I'm weird like that. But it is a nice slow song. I really do like her slow ones, because I feel like a million emotions can come up to the surface.
Oh, and what is her obsession with princes and princesses? She really loves talking about them.
6. You Belong With Me - I knew I would like this song just from the images in the booklet. I really like this song, because it's definitely relateable, because, seriously, we've all been there. You know you're meant to be with someone, and they never notice you. God, not being noticed is my entirity. I used to be invisible in halls. I was made fun of it often. People just ran into me. Got pretty irksome after like, my life. Yeah, I went off topic. Anyways, this is definitely country-infused more than pop-infused. For some reason, Taylor makes me like country. Damn her.
7. Breathe - I like this song, but it's one of those songs where it's really pretty, but you don't really listen to it. It's kind of background music. I feel bad for Colbie Caillat, because you can't even hear her. Isn't that like, the opposite of what duets? I can't hear Colbie at all. Kinda sucks for her.
8. Tell Me Why -Very country-esque, with the violin(fiddle, if you want to go all country on me). I really like this song. It's hard to really dissect her music, because I'm always so focused on her lyrics. She's a great modern relationship writer. Obviously she isn't a writer like Paul McCartney or John Lennon, but she has a great grasp at the young girl's thoughts. And of course, you could say, yeah because she is one. Not necessarily. It takes a lot to be able to effectively get across a feeling everyone can relate to without it being so general and boring.
9. You're Not Sorry - Gosh, I really love this song. The chorus is so catchy, and dark, and it's not upbeat, but it's a fast tempo. I love those kind of songs. It's powerful, and not slow, but not fast. It's this song that cannot be defined well.
10. The Way I Loved You - I like the way that it should be the song about this great guy, but I think, she misses this old destructive relationship. The idea reminds me of "Get Back" by Demi. What is it with these girls and bad relationships? They love their fighting. I really like how she's in love with this guy who was so bad for her, but in essence, was so good for her. Though it's easy to know that it didn't work out.
11. Forever & Always - My favorite song. And no, not because it's about Joe Jonas. It's fucking catchy. The imagery of the rain in the bedroom always gets me. It's so random, so awkward, and that's what I think works for it so much. I also this Joe was an ass when he said "Forever & Always." I mean, seriously. They dated for two months. Ugh, jumping in and out of things much? Oh and "silence that cuts me to the core"? Also, amazing writing. Simple sentences like that catch me off guard, and I love it.
BTW, I didn't notice Camilla Belle at the beach, but she was. Well, it makes sense to me....her and Joe. If the eyebrows match....
12. The Best Day - It's an okay song. Obviously dedicated to her mom. And that's cute. Is her mom alive? I'm pretty sure she is. Because I just saw her video of voting. For some reason, this song felt like her mom was gone. Weird, I guess. Oh and the flashbacks obv take place in PA. Yay.
13. Change - Third favorite, and most pop/rock that she gets. It's such a good song. I really actually have no idea what the message is because I just love the music. Oh well.
Overall, B+. A great cd. I don't know what she could change, but I don't want to give her a perfect rating, but some of the stuff wasn't amazing. I don't know. Just go download it. Or ask me for the cd to have the songs. :)
Oh, and for bonus, I'm gonna rant about Taylor, and her writing. Aren't we excited?
So, I've vented about wanting to try music(See: this post[also will be added later because I'm lazy]) and Taylor really is a great inspiration to me. I feel like my poems are similar to her writing, so I always like having someone to look up to. Obviously, I can't play anything, and I'm basically just writing random shit. But rather than mine have a face to every story, it's what story outside my life can inspire some writing? Yeah, that's how I am.
Either way, her writing has become a great inspiration to me. A definite good role model. All she needs to do is start repping her PA roots more and not damn TN. Rawr.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I Didn't Know I Loved Tim Gunn This Much Until This...
So, I was watching American Dad(not my choice, it was just on) and there was a buffalo, and I don't know, but all of a sudden, Tim Gunn, in cartoon form, appeared. I squealed. Loud. Like, a scream. And I clapped. It was AWESOME.
Then, he totally just appeared again. And I held myself in, and I grinned like the loser than I am and shook my hands really stupidly.
I forgot that I loved Tim Gunn so much. He lights up my life.
Then, he totally just appeared again. And I held myself in, and I grinned like the loser than I am and shook my hands really stupidly.
I forgot that I loved Tim Gunn so much. He lights up my life.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Have You Ever Heard Of....
Pedobear?Shit, I just came across him today, and does he bring the lulz. Oh man, ONTD is contaminating my life.
Here, I'll introduce you to the greatness of Pedobear.
Note: I'm not putting up the really bad ones....
I wanted to put up more, but it won't minimize pics now. :(

I want a pic of mine to be construed for Pedobear. Or meet someone dressed as Pedobear, like this:
Here, I'll introduce you to the greatness of Pedobear.
Note: I'm not putting up the really bad ones....
I wanted to put up more, but it won't minimize pics now. :(

I want a pic of mine to be construed for Pedobear. Or meet someone dressed as Pedobear, like this:

Zomg so cute.
Aren't they? I want one. I want two. Named Elvis and Atticus. :D
BTW, Finnish Spitz of the Drowsy Observer pointed me out to these ADORABLE puppies. :D
Aren't they? I want one. I want two. Named Elvis and Atticus. :D
BTW, Finnish Spitz of the Drowsy Observer pointed me out to these ADORABLE puppies. :D
Bands I Still Want To See
Since I have no more concerts to look forward to, I need to research these bands. Determined to see them live.
Taylor Swift
Miley Cyrus
The Killers
Death Cab for Cutie.
And I want to meet RPattz. Fucking tests and the world not allowing it.
Oh and here's the best part. Not a single on near me having a concert. FML.
Taylor Swift
Miley Cyrus
The Killers
Death Cab for Cutie.
And I want to meet RPattz. Fucking tests and the world not allowing it.
Oh and here's the best part. Not a single on near me having a concert. FML.
Fucking Deluise!
Some Inspirational Words
Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk.
King walked so that Barack Obama could run.
And now, our children can fly.
Think about it. We've made some huge strides as a country. It's a great time to be an American.
King walked so that Barack Obama could run.
And now, our children can fly.
Think about it. We've made some huge strides as a country. It's a great time to be an American.
Soc Needs To Stop Making Me Want To Cry
I don't know, I have been some weird emotional wreck lately. Not like, full out crazy, but little stupid shit makes me get all choked up. Like fucking Sociology class. We're talking about relationships, and she'll mention this stuff, like, what a relationship should be, and people she's met in the past, and I get really emotional. Like, on the verge of tears. What. The. Fuck. Like, I'm not in the mood for every Tuesday and Thursday to feel like I want to cry because I haven't found someone. Ugh.
I should start skipping Soc more....
I should start skipping Soc more....
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Team Taylor
So I never really picked a side until Taylor put up her new video. These are parts:
I mean, it was too great. Such a deep stab. I loved it. I really did. I mean, she's pissed. And she doesn't give a fuck who she tells. Which I love. A celebrity with guts like that is hard to come by. Truly.
I mean, I still believe Joe was pushed to do it, but maybe that's my love for them getting in the way. I guess I'm weird like that.
Side minute for the delusional: Some days I believe I have a shot. It's weird. I hate being delusional. But if it gets me through the day. haha
I mean, it was too great. Such a deep stab. I loved it. I really did. I mean, she's pissed. And she doesn't give a fuck who she tells. Which I love. A celebrity with guts like that is hard to come by. Truly.
I mean, I still believe Joe was pushed to do it, but maybe that's my love for them getting in the way. I guess I'm weird like that.
Side minute for the delusional: Some days I believe I have a shot. It's weird. I hate being delusional. But if it gets me through the day. haha
Getting Strange Now
Miley Cyrus, in London. November 3rd.

I bought that shirt a month ago. It's sad when I have exacts before exacts. Second time now. I have no proof now, but trust me, I bought it a month ago. I think I still have the tag.
Worst part is it's only ten bucks now. I paid 28. Ugh.
Edit a few months later: I found the receipt. It was from like, beginning of October. Yeah. :)

I bought that shirt a month ago. It's sad when I have exacts before exacts. Second time now. I have no proof now, but trust me, I bought it a month ago. I think I still have the tag.
Worst part is it's only ten bucks now. I paid 28. Ugh.
Edit a few months later: I found the receipt. It was from like, beginning of October. Yeah. :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Greatest Word to Come Out of Chris Martin's Mouth
It really was. He said it twice at the concert I attended, and I smiled like an idiot when he said that.
Alright, I guess I'll start from the beginning with the saga of the Coldplay concert.
May 16th - The day of the Q Concert. Ten o'clock. I anxiously buy tickets to the June 29th concert at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia. Pretty decent seats. I go on to have a great time at the concert and scare Kevin Jonas.
June 11th - New York. I was there to see the Camp Rock Premiere. We get lost in Brooklyn, but before that I get a call from my dad. Coldplay's production crew is simply not ready to perform a concert yet. They postpone the concert to July 25th, the same day as the Jonas Brothers concert in Hershey.
June 12th-July 24t - Am wracked with decision. I blog about it a lot. But ultimately decide on the Jonas Brothers because of the cost, and the idea of a four day party with Jenn and Sam.
July 25th - I attend the Jonas Brothers concert. Have an amazing time. Never once felt guilty about not going to Coldplay.
July 26th - Bitch on Q102 rants and raves about the awesomeness of the Coldplay concert the night before. I am pissed, but the Jonas Brothers Rolling Stone magazine helps heal some of the blow.
August 11th - I check my Facebook, as per usual. A new update. Coldplay has added four new shows to their tour. I get a little excited. I read. November 1st - Wachovia Center, Philadelphia, PA. I scream. I also dance. My father can attest. I couldn't stop dancing. Prayers answered. :D
August 18th - I get the tickets. Section 7, Row 3. I dance some more.
November 1st - After a grueling almost six months, me and my mother head to Philadelphia. We unknowlingly pass the future loser of the Presidential race on his way to a semi-funny SNL skit.
Around 6:30 - We arrive at the stadium. Dolores, the wonderful GPS system gets us there with only one incident. Better than the previous time(April 6th, 2006 - Chris was sick, and his son Moses was born two days later. Very lucky) We pay $12 to park. I stand anxiously in a crowd, bag ready to be checked.
About 7:00 - Ticket scanned. Bag not checked.
We proceed to merch stand. My mother pushes me into people. I spend $108 on two tshirt, stickers, another poster, and a program. Then we buy Broadwalk fries. My mom slightly flirts with a black guy to get us to our seats.
7:15 - We are in our seats. Great seats. My mom and me eat the fries, then each get a cotton candy. I make sure to not have my fingers get sticky. My mom doesn't. She proceeds to get a second one. We watch as some couple get kicked out of their "seats." It's funny.
7:30 - Duffy begins her set. I scream. And piss off the people in front of me. I scream more.
Somewhere between 7:30 and 8:05 - People boo Duffy. I tell them to fuck off. I scream louder. my voice was already going. But I still tell them to shut up and I scream even louder for my girl Duffy.
7:55 - I call Finnish Spitz to play supposedly "Mercy." Wrong song. I quickly but not very quickly hang up.
8:00 - I call Finnish Spitz again, this time for "Mercy." It's an awesome song. I die.
8:45 - Coldplay plays a rap song before they come on. Only they would do that.
8:50 - Coldplay puts a classical song on. I giggle more.
9:00-ish - Coldplay comes on. I scream a lot more. The girl next to my mom also screams a lot. We go into a screaming match that she doesn't know about. To me, I win.
9:00-9:55 - Amazing concert. I'm grooving out, screaming, taking some great pics.
9:55 - Coldplay has two side catwalks. They go on the one closest to me, and proceed to get off, and walk down the aisle. I shove my way to the edge. I'm practically molesting a security woman to touch them. I'm inches away. I die. I was in the presence of greatness.
Sometime in the concert - Chris Martin reads the newspaper, congratulates the Phillies. We all erupt in screams. He dedicates a song to the Phillies. Then another, a sad one, to the Rays. He also goes off on how he was in Ohio, and there were no plumbers. They were all doing interviews and conferences. "The Hardest Part" is dedicated to Ohio's residents in need of plumbers.
10:17 - "Lovers In Japan" starts. A very awesome song. It is the new single. Download the video. I believe it's still free.
10:19 - Climax of song, confetti flies out and falls to to the crowd. It is in actuality butterflies floating down. Amazing feeling. I later collect a bunch of them.
10:25 - Coldplay takes their bow. I get the greatest fucking pic. Jonny Buckland, guitarist, is wearing a Fightin Phillies tee that I go nuts over. Chris previously wore a white shirt with a red V, like in "Viva la Vida" font. Will Champion, drummer, who sang a song in the crowd(after "The Scientist") wore a white shirt, with the number 42 on it. That is the name of the fourth song on their fourth cd.
10:28 - Longest three minutes of my life. Coldplay finally comes out for their encore. "Yellow," their first hit(but their second single off their first cd), is played. I die some more.
10:32 - The concert finally ends. I somehow still have a voice. Ah.
Thus ends my extensive delivery of one of the greatest concerts EVER. :) Pictures to come later.
It really was. He said it twice at the concert I attended, and I smiled like an idiot when he said that.
Alright, I guess I'll start from the beginning with the saga of the Coldplay concert.
May 16th - The day of the Q Concert. Ten o'clock. I anxiously buy tickets to the June 29th concert at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia. Pretty decent seats. I go on to have a great time at the concert and scare Kevin Jonas.
June 11th - New York. I was there to see the Camp Rock Premiere. We get lost in Brooklyn, but before that I get a call from my dad. Coldplay's production crew is simply not ready to perform a concert yet. They postpone the concert to July 25th, the same day as the Jonas Brothers concert in Hershey.
June 12th-July 24t - Am wracked with decision. I blog about it a lot. But ultimately decide on the Jonas Brothers because of the cost, and the idea of a four day party with Jenn and Sam.
July 25th - I attend the Jonas Brothers concert. Have an amazing time. Never once felt guilty about not going to Coldplay.
July 26th - Bitch on Q102 rants and raves about the awesomeness of the Coldplay concert the night before. I am pissed, but the Jonas Brothers Rolling Stone magazine helps heal some of the blow.
August 11th - I check my Facebook, as per usual. A new update. Coldplay has added four new shows to their tour. I get a little excited. I read. November 1st - Wachovia Center, Philadelphia, PA. I scream. I also dance. My father can attest. I couldn't stop dancing. Prayers answered. :D
August 18th - I get the tickets. Section 7, Row 3. I dance some more.
November 1st - After a grueling almost six months, me and my mother head to Philadelphia. We unknowlingly pass the future loser of the Presidential race on his way to a semi-funny SNL skit.
Around 6:30 - We arrive at the stadium. Dolores, the wonderful GPS system gets us there with only one incident. Better than the previous time(April 6th, 2006 - Chris was sick, and his son Moses was born two days later. Very lucky) We pay $12 to park. I stand anxiously in a crowd, bag ready to be checked.
About 7:00 - Ticket scanned. Bag not checked.
We proceed to merch stand. My mother pushes me into people. I spend $108 on two tshirt, stickers, another poster, and a program. Then we buy Broadwalk fries. My mom slightly flirts with a black guy to get us to our seats.
7:15 - We are in our seats. Great seats. My mom and me eat the fries, then each get a cotton candy. I make sure to not have my fingers get sticky. My mom doesn't. She proceeds to get a second one. We watch as some couple get kicked out of their "seats." It's funny.
7:30 - Duffy begins her set. I scream. And piss off the people in front of me. I scream more.
Somewhere between 7:30 and 8:05 - People boo Duffy. I tell them to fuck off. I scream louder. my voice was already going. But I still tell them to shut up and I scream even louder for my girl Duffy.
7:55 - I call Finnish Spitz to play supposedly "Mercy." Wrong song. I quickly but not very quickly hang up.
8:00 - I call Finnish Spitz again, this time for "Mercy." It's an awesome song. I die.
8:45 - Coldplay plays a rap song before they come on. Only they would do that.
8:50 - Coldplay puts a classical song on. I giggle more.
9:00-ish - Coldplay comes on. I scream a lot more. The girl next to my mom also screams a lot. We go into a screaming match that she doesn't know about. To me, I win.
9:00-9:55 - Amazing concert. I'm grooving out, screaming, taking some great pics.
9:55 - Coldplay has two side catwalks. They go on the one closest to me, and proceed to get off, and walk down the aisle. I shove my way to the edge. I'm practically molesting a security woman to touch them. I'm inches away. I die. I was in the presence of greatness.
Sometime in the concert - Chris Martin reads the newspaper, congratulates the Phillies. We all erupt in screams. He dedicates a song to the Phillies. Then another, a sad one, to the Rays. He also goes off on how he was in Ohio, and there were no plumbers. They were all doing interviews and conferences. "The Hardest Part" is dedicated to Ohio's residents in need of plumbers.
10:17 - "Lovers In Japan" starts. A very awesome song. It is the new single. Download the video. I believe it's still free.
10:19 - Climax of song, confetti flies out and falls to to the crowd. It is in actuality butterflies floating down. Amazing feeling. I later collect a bunch of them.
10:25 - Coldplay takes their bow. I get the greatest fucking pic. Jonny Buckland, guitarist, is wearing a Fightin Phillies tee that I go nuts over. Chris previously wore a white shirt with a red V, like in "Viva la Vida" font. Will Champion, drummer, who sang a song in the crowd(after "The Scientist") wore a white shirt, with the number 42 on it. That is the name of the fourth song on their fourth cd.
10:28 - Longest three minutes of my life. Coldplay finally comes out for their encore. "Yellow," their first hit(but their second single off their first cd), is played. I die some more.
10:32 - The concert finally ends. I somehow still have a voice. Ah.
Thus ends my extensive delivery of one of the greatest concerts EVER. :) Pictures to come later.
I'm Ready to Ba-Rock With the Obama-rama!
He won. He fucking won. I feel like it's a dream. I really really wanted a newspaper today, but they were gone by the time I got to any. Curses. Maybe my dad got my text. Doubt it.
Anyways, I voted Tuesday morning. Skipped all my Monday classes, and my first Tuesday class to make sure I was home to vote. We left there at like, 9:15, which apparently was a great time. Before then, it was lasting forever, and after it took longer(my mom, who had been sleeping when me and my dad went, waited for like, three hours). Either way, I got to vote. I had applied for Absentee, but it came too late so I had to get out of line and made sure I could vote. I would have kicked some ass if I couldn't.
I voted straight Democrat, simply because I wasn't too sure on other people. I hadn't had time to look into it all. And I voted yes on a small tax increase on a way to preserve land. I did a whole essay on that last year, of course I want to save our environment. I like to think they got to my essay and read it and proposed it because of me. ;)
And since my computer has been down, and there is no tv in my room, I wasn't able to watch the coverage. Which really disappointed me. I've been watching presidential election coverage since I was little. I don't know about when Clinton was re-elected, but I most definitely watched with Bush vs. Gore. I really love that kind of stuff. It felt awesome to know I was a part of it this time.
My lovely Finnish Spitz gave me updates and I made my roommate keep checking online. I was just writing my story, and doing whatever and I get this text. "He clinched it!" It was a little past eleven, and I assumed Barack, who had a sizeable lead, had gotten California or such. Then all of a sudden, outside my room, I hear someone scream "Obama!" It reminded me of the World Series, which had a good five or six people running down the halls screaming, "Phillies!!!!!" That was pretty nice, since I watched in my suitemate's room.
Anyways, I started to obviously, realize Obama had won. Very surreal. I didn't believe it. I don't know if I still have let it sink in. My suitemate started hitting things(she voted for McCain) and then I was pretty sure. I went over there and was like, oh my gosh. I mean, President Elect Barack Obama. It's an amazing thing to see.
My brother called and was like, did McCain just, give up? They hadn't even mentioned the states that had just been won on whatever station he was watching. I laughed a bit and explained. Then I talked to my mom and she put the phone to the tv so I could hear McCain's concession speech. It was decent, and I admit I teared when he started talking about Barack's grandmother. Every time I hear about that, I start to get upset. I know the feeling all too well.
Then I went to my suitemate's room to watch Obama's speech. Wow. Just wow. It was so powerful, and like some of the voices on the tv said, very humble, and not showy. He was very much like, I understand that some did not vote, and I'm here to listen to you. I loved it. I got misty eyed, but wouldn't let my suitemate see me cry. Later, when I went back to my room, I did cry. I felt so happy. I mean, after so many weeks of intense fighting, it was over. It's such a relief. With the economic crisis that we're in, I mean, I truly believe Obama can help bring us out. And that has been this constant worry on me. I finally was able to smile and go, wow, maybe this all will be alright. I mean, I was so worried about it all, I wasn't even going to ask for anything for my birthday. I have a horrible issue with putting every single person in front of me. In some ways, I'm very selfless, but I'm not going to call myself completely selfless. I do love indulging in myself a lot. :)
Anyways, I got to go to sleep, smiling. Not because I got some new clothes, or my computer was fixed. It was better than that. It was this feeling knowing that life would be different. I did make a difference. I felt like I mattered. I mean, when Obama gave his speech, I felt like the only one there. I felt like we were having this conversation and he was telling me that we'd get through this. That's such a powerful thing. I would have loved to be there. I also would love to meet him. Or just be in his presence. It'd be an amazing thing to occur.
I don't know who you all voted for, but I hope that you did not regret your choice at all. I just hope you researched it and felt that was the person that spoke to your heart. I'm fully glad I voted Obama, and I think it was the best decision of my life. :)
Anyways, I voted Tuesday morning. Skipped all my Monday classes, and my first Tuesday class to make sure I was home to vote. We left there at like, 9:15, which apparently was a great time. Before then, it was lasting forever, and after it took longer(my mom, who had been sleeping when me and my dad went, waited for like, three hours). Either way, I got to vote. I had applied for Absentee, but it came too late so I had to get out of line and made sure I could vote. I would have kicked some ass if I couldn't.
I voted straight Democrat, simply because I wasn't too sure on other people. I hadn't had time to look into it all. And I voted yes on a small tax increase on a way to preserve land. I did a whole essay on that last year, of course I want to save our environment. I like to think they got to my essay and read it and proposed it because of me. ;)
And since my computer has been down, and there is no tv in my room, I wasn't able to watch the coverage. Which really disappointed me. I've been watching presidential election coverage since I was little. I don't know about when Clinton was re-elected, but I most definitely watched with Bush vs. Gore. I really love that kind of stuff. It felt awesome to know I was a part of it this time.
My lovely Finnish Spitz gave me updates and I made my roommate keep checking online. I was just writing my story, and doing whatever and I get this text. "He clinched it!" It was a little past eleven, and I assumed Barack, who had a sizeable lead, had gotten California or such. Then all of a sudden, outside my room, I hear someone scream "Obama!" It reminded me of the World Series, which had a good five or six people running down the halls screaming, "Phillies!!!!!" That was pretty nice, since I watched in my suitemate's room.
Anyways, I started to obviously, realize Obama had won. Very surreal. I didn't believe it. I don't know if I still have let it sink in. My suitemate started hitting things(she voted for McCain) and then I was pretty sure. I went over there and was like, oh my gosh. I mean, President Elect Barack Obama. It's an amazing thing to see.
My brother called and was like, did McCain just, give up? They hadn't even mentioned the states that had just been won on whatever station he was watching. I laughed a bit and explained. Then I talked to my mom and she put the phone to the tv so I could hear McCain's concession speech. It was decent, and I admit I teared when he started talking about Barack's grandmother. Every time I hear about that, I start to get upset. I know the feeling all too well.
Then I went to my suitemate's room to watch Obama's speech. Wow. Just wow. It was so powerful, and like some of the voices on the tv said, very humble, and not showy. He was very much like, I understand that some did not vote, and I'm here to listen to you. I loved it. I got misty eyed, but wouldn't let my suitemate see me cry. Later, when I went back to my room, I did cry. I felt so happy. I mean, after so many weeks of intense fighting, it was over. It's such a relief. With the economic crisis that we're in, I mean, I truly believe Obama can help bring us out. And that has been this constant worry on me. I finally was able to smile and go, wow, maybe this all will be alright. I mean, I was so worried about it all, I wasn't even going to ask for anything for my birthday. I have a horrible issue with putting every single person in front of me. In some ways, I'm very selfless, but I'm not going to call myself completely selfless. I do love indulging in myself a lot. :)
Anyways, I got to go to sleep, smiling. Not because I got some new clothes, or my computer was fixed. It was better than that. It was this feeling knowing that life would be different. I did make a difference. I felt like I mattered. I mean, when Obama gave his speech, I felt like the only one there. I felt like we were having this conversation and he was telling me that we'd get through this. That's such a powerful thing. I would have loved to be there. I also would love to meet him. Or just be in his presence. It'd be an amazing thing to occur.
I don't know who you all voted for, but I hope that you did not regret your choice at all. I just hope you researched it and felt that was the person that spoke to your heart. I'm fully glad I voted Obama, and I think it was the best decision of my life. :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Music...Just, Music
This blog is like, a week overdue. I mean, I wrote it way too long ago. Anyways, without further ado....
Me and my dad were watching this history of rock and roll, and I mean, I've known these simple facts about me and music, but it really hit me then. You can take away my computer(which has already happened), you can take away my cell phone(close to losing, thank you very much), you can take away my television(also gone as of now), but you cannot take away my ipod, because I will die. In reality, it's just another technological device. But to me, it's practically my gateway to freedom. That's how much I rely on music. I grew up playing music, but I stopped. Seriously, I really have started to think that music will be my future. I mean, of course I write, but I can combine the two. I love all the aspects of music. Writing, playing(yes, I need to learn, but I'm sure I would love it), singing. I'm not sure about performing, but I mean, I ham it up in front of a camera, what's the difference? I'd learn to love it.
I just don't want to be the person who never gave it a shot. I look at the people on my walls, like Demi Lovato, the Beatles, Coldplay, the Jonas Brothers, and they are living this increduous life. I mean, when I think about it, I wonder if I could perform like Kevin, Nick, and Joe. They're running around like crazy. Naturally, I'd have to work out, work on that. But could I do that? Could anyone reading this see me like that? I've always wondered. Really. What do you see me as? Because my late teen crisis has been in full swing for too long. I want something amazing out of life. Could I pull off a musician's life? Can I even pull out a magazine editor out of me(no lie, 13 Going on 30 and Devil Wears Prada made me see magazine editting as even more enticing)? Or am I going to become like Emily Dickinson, and be in solitude for the rest of my life, writing omnious poems that will get recognition after I pass? I truly wonder about these things.
But, back to music; it's become one of my only constants in my life. It's always there, one song somewhere describing my life. I love to put lyrics to coincide with my writing. Avril Lavigne's "Slipped Away" saved me when my Pop-Pop passed. Recently, when I felt so lost(btw, I believe crisis absolved), Patrick Park's "Life's A Song" was my everything. Music is my entirity.
If I ever attempted to write a song, more than one, and go to California, New York, wherever musicians go to get big, I'd be terrified to fail. Too terrified to try. I think that terror is what holds me back in life. I'm so scared to fall, so why bother? I know the ending. There's safety down below. Maybe that's why I want to go into event planning; it's my backup. Less touch and go. With writing and music, there's so much failure. And that scares me. I can't take failure well. I mean I know my voice isn't great(maybe not even good, tell me and I'll shut up, I promise) so would anyone ever want to listen to me?
Ugh, this has become one of my usual "I'm confused as hell, someone help me" blogs. I write too much that no one would want to read. Sorry for putting you through it. I just had to go out and say how much my life clings to music. I'll probably never have a music career. I'll probably never try. I'll probably always be the constant listener. There's always room for appreciation, I guess.
I think the worst part though, is that I can't tell if I'm okay with that or not.
Me and my dad were watching this history of rock and roll, and I mean, I've known these simple facts about me and music, but it really hit me then. You can take away my computer(which has already happened), you can take away my cell phone(close to losing, thank you very much), you can take away my television(also gone as of now), but you cannot take away my ipod, because I will die. In reality, it's just another technological device. But to me, it's practically my gateway to freedom. That's how much I rely on music. I grew up playing music, but I stopped. Seriously, I really have started to think that music will be my future. I mean, of course I write, but I can combine the two. I love all the aspects of music. Writing, playing(yes, I need to learn, but I'm sure I would love it), singing. I'm not sure about performing, but I mean, I ham it up in front of a camera, what's the difference? I'd learn to love it.
I just don't want to be the person who never gave it a shot. I look at the people on my walls, like Demi Lovato, the Beatles, Coldplay, the Jonas Brothers, and they are living this increduous life. I mean, when I think about it, I wonder if I could perform like Kevin, Nick, and Joe. They're running around like crazy. Naturally, I'd have to work out, work on that. But could I do that? Could anyone reading this see me like that? I've always wondered. Really. What do you see me as? Because my late teen crisis has been in full swing for too long. I want something amazing out of life. Could I pull off a musician's life? Can I even pull out a magazine editor out of me(no lie, 13 Going on 30 and Devil Wears Prada made me see magazine editting as even more enticing)? Or am I going to become like Emily Dickinson, and be in solitude for the rest of my life, writing omnious poems that will get recognition after I pass? I truly wonder about these things.
But, back to music; it's become one of my only constants in my life. It's always there, one song somewhere describing my life. I love to put lyrics to coincide with my writing. Avril Lavigne's "Slipped Away" saved me when my Pop-Pop passed. Recently, when I felt so lost(btw, I believe crisis absolved), Patrick Park's "Life's A Song" was my everything. Music is my entirity.
If I ever attempted to write a song, more than one, and go to California, New York, wherever musicians go to get big, I'd be terrified to fail. Too terrified to try. I think that terror is what holds me back in life. I'm so scared to fall, so why bother? I know the ending. There's safety down below. Maybe that's why I want to go into event planning; it's my backup. Less touch and go. With writing and music, there's so much failure. And that scares me. I can't take failure well. I mean I know my voice isn't great(maybe not even good, tell me and I'll shut up, I promise) so would anyone ever want to listen to me?
Ugh, this has become one of my usual "I'm confused as hell, someone help me" blogs. I write too much that no one would want to read. Sorry for putting you through it. I just had to go out and say how much my life clings to music. I'll probably never have a music career. I'll probably never try. I'll probably always be the constant listener. There's always room for appreciation, I guess.
I think the worst part though, is that I can't tell if I'm okay with that or not.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I Want The Rest Of My Life to Feel Like a High School Musical!!!
Really? HSM cast, I think you need to think about that. I don't know. I don't think I could deal with constant singing. On the other hand, I might be able to. It could be, to say the least, interesting. I would get a workout with all the dancing...
Anyways, the third edition of the HSM series was I must say, pretty decent. It would have been better had Gabriella suddenly died or something(I was so excited when she left, no even gonna lie). But I enjoyed it. And I'm still waiting to get the soundtrack. Who has it and wants to let me borrow it? Come on, for like a little bit? Of course, I can't upload it to my comp, since it broke again. Don't get me started. So that's why there is limited blogging and such. Whatever.
See HSM3. It's fun. And Zac Efron is effing hot. I may have said some not so G rated things to my lovely S about Zac during the movie. Hope the kiddies didn't hear.
Girls Aloud?
I don't understand them. Are they like, this decade's Spice Girls? Why does everyone love them? I can't understand it. Someone, explain por favor.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Riding Demo
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thoughts During the LoveBug Video
I was commenting on Jenn's blog about the music video. This music video. Because she was pissed about the story line that no one could follow or something. And I admit, I pretty much had no idea most of the time what was actually going on. Do you want to know what I thought about during the video? I'll give you my timeline thoughts:
I'll put this with second thoughts. You can then watch the video and see what I mean!
Beginning to 0:10(Big people pic thing): Who are those dudes? Am I at the right video?
(Note: I now see Jonas up at the top. :))
0:10-0:40(old people scene): I wonder if those girls are related to any Disney stars.....oh, wake up Grandpa!
0:40-1:00(Nick J walking): Holy fuck, Nick looks old and like his dad. Oh no. Oh dear no!
1:00-1:06(Random Shots):Who's the dude in the brown dotted shirt? And Camilla has big eyebrows.
1:06-1:09(Random Closeup): Who is that close up???(Note: I now realize that's Kevin)
1:09-1:10(Group pic shot): KEVIN!!! And who's other random chick?
1:10-1:12(Joe taking pic): Oh my Jesus, amazing shot. Need this shot. No lie. Must have. Right now. Go back. NOW.
1:12-1:24(Random closeups, grandchildren, pictures): Um, okay...
1:24-1:35(Joe at house): Is it 3 o'clock?
1:39:No way John Taylor!
1:35-1:45: Is that alcohol??? Oh it better not be!
1:45-2:00: What's going on?
2:00-2:02(Getting draft card):What's that? Is that important? A license?(Note: I rewound, and then understood)
2:02-2:10(Hiding card, Camilla Belle being herself): Oh snap, hiding it....and Camilla spins really slowly. Will she ever stop???
2:10-2:26(JoBros): Kevin! Mandalin!!!!
2:26: Who the fuck are those dudes?
2:26-2:36:I'm understanding, they're dancing.
2:36: Joe, tap dance dammit!!!!
2:26-2:52: How sweet, they're dancing.
2:52: GARBO! No way John Taylor!
2:53-3:30(Dancing): Great imagery. They're all fast, and they're slow! Aw. Hot shot of Joe grabbing mic, must have. Nick lifting guitar again? He really cannot fake playing guitar like that.
3:30-3:44(Ship Scene): Where are the boys? Why aren't they popping up?
3:44-3:46(Beach Scene): What's he writing??
3:46-3:50: Kevin! Do yo sexy thang.
3:50-3:54(in bunk): It's an emergency, you're just gonna sit there and kiss your ribbon? Do that while getting off your ass, man.
4:00-4:04: Oh it's going backwards, how neat.
4:06: What the fuck, Office Max?
4:13: Poster? What, where? Fuck that shit, I want one!!! I can't pick which yet. I'll get back to you on that. ;)
And there you have it. Story schmory. No lie. :)
I'll put this with second thoughts. You can then watch the video and see what I mean!
Beginning to 0:10(Big people pic thing): Who are those dudes? Am I at the right video?
(Note: I now see Jonas up at the top. :))
0:10-0:40(old people scene): I wonder if those girls are related to any Disney stars.....oh, wake up Grandpa!
0:40-1:00(Nick J walking): Holy fuck, Nick looks old and like his dad. Oh no. Oh dear no!
1:00-1:06(Random Shots):Who's the dude in the brown dotted shirt? And Camilla has big eyebrows.
1:06-1:09(Random Closeup): Who is that close up???(Note: I now realize that's Kevin)
1:09-1:10(Group pic shot): KEVIN!!! And who's other random chick?
1:10-1:12(Joe taking pic): Oh my Jesus, amazing shot. Need this shot. No lie. Must have. Right now. Go back. NOW.
1:12-1:24(Random closeups, grandchildren, pictures): Um, okay...
1:24-1:35(Joe at house): Is it 3 o'clock?
1:39:No way John Taylor!
1:35-1:45: Is that alcohol??? Oh it better not be!
1:45-2:00: What's going on?
2:00-2:02(Getting draft card):What's that? Is that important? A license?(Note: I rewound, and then understood)
2:02-2:10(Hiding card, Camilla Belle being herself): Oh snap, hiding it....and Camilla spins really slowly. Will she ever stop???
2:10-2:26(JoBros): Kevin! Mandalin!!!!
2:26: Who the fuck are those dudes?
2:26-2:36:I'm understanding, they're dancing.
2:36: Joe, tap dance dammit!!!!
2:26-2:52: How sweet, they're dancing.
2:52: GARBO! No way John Taylor!
2:53-3:30(Dancing): Great imagery. They're all fast, and they're slow! Aw. Hot shot of Joe grabbing mic, must have. Nick lifting guitar again? He really cannot fake playing guitar like that.
3:30-3:44(Ship Scene): Where are the boys? Why aren't they popping up?
3:44-3:46(Beach Scene): What's he writing??
3:46-3:50: Kevin! Do yo sexy thang.
3:50-3:54(in bunk): It's an emergency, you're just gonna sit there and kiss your ribbon? Do that while getting off your ass, man.
4:00-4:04: Oh it's going backwards, how neat.
4:06: What the fuck, Office Max?
4:13: Poster? What, where? Fuck that shit, I want one!!! I can't pick which yet. I'll get back to you on that. ;)
And there you have it. Story schmory. No lie. :)
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