Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dear Miss Hudge Pudge

Dear Miss Hudge Pudge,

Seriously I was looking for a new photo from your audacious video for that atrocious song, Sneakernight. But finding a pic of you being slutty is beyond easy. It was the first thing I found. Haha. You are so slutty. And you try to be all innocent with your Disney Channel ways. Where is your purity ring? Huh? Huh? Ha, I got you there. You hoe.

Anyways, I just saw your video for that song Sneakernight. Um, what the hell? Sneakernight? What the fuck is a Sneakernight? And it's fucking lame as shit. I don't think I will ever have a Sneakernight. Actually, you know what? I will. I will have a Sneakernight and tell you how that goes. Yeah...

Oh yeah, glowing shoelaces? Uh, WTF?


I would have wrote more but I'm falling asleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG thank you for posting this picture!
it seriously just made me laugh out loud and it's exactly what i needed :)
stupid V. Hudgens
doesn't she see that she is killing her career single-handedly
guess not.