Ha, that is me in the NYC Toys R Us. That place is the shit. No really, it's amazing. I wanted to DDR sooo badly. I mean, there's like one on every floor. How kick ass is that? And then there's animatronic dinosaurs and CandyLand people and really, the inner five year old in me just loses it. I start hoping around, from place to place seriously wanting to buy everything. I miss toys. I guess it's not very acceptable to play with them now. Sigh, stupid age. All those Barbies to waste. Oh well, I can be one. That would be fun. Though according to the Jonas Brothers FaceBook Discussion Board, I look similar to the Michalka girls, so that would mean my doll might look something like this:
Yeah, fucking scary. I'll stick with uh, no Barbie for me.
haha! those dolls were seriously super scary.
and oddly like so realistic looking
I got the EXACT same picture of me in that window. Hahaha...
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