Yep. I'm sticking by that saying. I mean, I am reading Perez's blog lately, only because I need to keep up on my celeb gossip, not because I like him. Because he clearly knows nothing about music. I don't know how the fuck he can say Coldplay's Viva La Vida "sucks." Like, what the fuck? Ugh.
Now, onto the review. :D
I'm gonna go song by song, because the cd is that fucking awesome. It truly is, dead serious. Go get the cd now. RIGHT NOW. :)
First, "Life in Technicolor." You can barely hear Chris Martin sing, it's only like a tiny tiny little bit, but it's a bursting intro with instruments. I mean it's kinda techno-y, I guess. It's hard to describe. But there's a guitar playing, and I think a mandalin? Either way, it sounds so pretty. Being the writer that I am, I love to find music that sounds really good when writing. Maybe for a scene, when I write television. The song really reminds me of an ending scene for a season premiere of a show. When I write something that I'm intending to I feel like this will be the song on repeat. It's soooooo pretty. I have always loved instrumental songs. Death Cab's "I Will Possess Your Heart" (the album version, not the radio) was so great with the four minute instrumental beginning. I love instrumentals. I really do. I live for them, they just really help me when I'm writing. I don't have to worry about lyrics interfering with what I write.
Now, onto "Cemeteries of London." I love when two songs blend into each other. Reminds me of Linkin Park's Meteora. That shit was good. A little depressing, but good nonetheless. Now, this song has a little dark feeling to it, but not too dark. Just maybe a little undertone. Reminds me of a dark night in London in like, the 1700's. As for the chorus, the lalala thing is really cool. Usually I'm not a fan of choruses being not real words, but for this, it totally works. I think that even though Chris Martin is the lead singer, he gives his band members more of the spotlight here. I can hear them lala'ing, and I love it. It feels very collaborative. I love that stuff.
Onto "Lost!". I am not the biggest fan of exclamation marks or really any ending punctuation in a song. It feels final to me, but whatever. I feel a little Kanye influence to this, at least because of the beat. It almost sounded like Chris Martin was putting an attempt up to rap. At least it wasn't full on rap. I would have died. But the chorus is really pretty, the way it builds up to it in the beginning and seamlessly goes into the normal tone of each verse. It's a little bit of a lower point for me; but that's not to say I don't like it. I really do. Maybe I'm not right in saying it's a lot point. It's just not my absolute favorite. But that does not mean I'll be skipping it, a la "White Shadows" from X&Y.
Okay, so "42" is really pretty, but I totally do not understand the title. But whatever. Someone explain it to me. Anways, it's Chris Martin and a piano and a slow tempo. What could be better? I think this is the closest to their old stuff, other than "Viva La Vida." This really feels a bit like "AROBTH"(A rush of blood to the head, to you non-CP-heads), at least the beginning does. Then it goes into a faster tempo, with I don't even know what instrument. A violin? Slide guitar? I'm thinking the latter. Either way, it kicks ass. I love the sound. It really is a perfect song. I love the slow into fast songs, like, "A Little Bit Longer" from the Jonas Brothers. This song does it a lot better, but still. I think Nick Jonas wasn't attempting this, so it's cool. And the line "You didn't get to Heaven, but you made it close" is a really neat line. I'd love to figure out what goes on in Chris Martin's head. Because I swear it's probably got the meaning of life in it. Five minutes with him is all I ask. Man, that would be my dream.
Okay, so "Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love" isn't really my favorite. But it still sounds really nice. Quick piano is so pretty, especially when those tape covered fingers are playing those keys. I totally feel like this song could be the big ending song to a love story in Japan. It really feels like that. As I listen, I enjoy it more. I don't think I can find a song I don't like or aim to skip. Yeah, I know, the fact that I skipped Coldplay songs is horrible. Forgive me. Anyways, this song is really pretty. Because once again, we have a long instrumental. Boo. Yah.
Now, the little pause between Lovers in Japan and Reign of Love I was just like huh? Why not make them two different songs? But at least it wasn't some four minute pause. I hate those. They really really piss me off. But Reign of Love is nice, I think this might be the part I'll be skipping. It sounds like something I would sing to my niece and nephew had I learned piano. It's a little too kitchy. Is that a word? I know I say it, but I also say a lot of fake words.
I think everytime I start to listen to "Yes" I'm like, I just don't know about this song. Then as it keeps going, I start loving it. The odd instrumental, and then Chris Martin's low voice. That has to be the one thing that kinda drove me insane this whole album. I mean, I know they were trying some new things out, but couldn't Chris have gone back to a higher octave like once? At least in this song. I feel like it could have been ten times better had he belted it out in a higher octave. He's just not as strong with in the lower tone. The higher one was so great, and it really could have been perfect for this song. Sigh. You can't get an absolutely perfect album. I also loved the violin in it. And I know the second my mom hears that, she will go, "Is that a violin?" in her way to point out that I could have been that violinist had I kept going. She refuses to believe that the truth was that I mad sucked. Total suckage. I could so easy stuff, but after that, it was me fake playing.
Then once again, a space and another part of the song. These four guys like seriously loved that. I don't know. The second part is okay, but the first is definitely stronger. Oh well.
Onto my favorite song, the single, "Viva La Vida." Totally is reminiscent of "Speed of Sound" only like a million times better. It's just so fucking awesome. The beginning sounds so neat, and the way the music is all a little techno'd out, is awesome. I'm used to hearing only that little bit on the itunes commercial, so the whole thing is so much better. I think I could have been able to handle the violin in there. Staccato is pretty easy. I could do it slow and they could have sped it up afterwards. The song is really pretty. I just love it. Excellent choice for single. Feels like old times, but still is new. :)
Then, right into "Violet Hill." Like I said, I love those blends. They just are great. I mean, I must have listened to this song for probably four days in a row. When I listen to it, my mind jumps back to the bunk bed in my dorm room, sleeping there and then looking out the window and spying on people. Good times.
It really is a pretty song, but I think it's a little to different to be their official first single. I'm glad they released it early though, because it signified that they have changed. Had they only released "Viva La Vida" I think huge fans would have been mad that they were led down the wrong path. Either way, it's fucking awesome. So pretty. I love "Violet Hill." :)
Ha, I seriously almost forgot about "Strawberry Swing." I can't think of anything that has to do with strawberries without my mind jumping to the Beatles. But this song is really pretty. Just reminds me of a hot summer day, chilling with people on a hill, just having fun. With bubbles too. The bubbles are the deciding factor. Or like, a long drive with the windows down and your hand making those wave movements out the window. I love it.
"Death and All His Friends" is pretty, but I think I've fallen asleep on it way too many times. So I haven't given it a long enough listen through to be fully thorough on it. But it sounds amazing, like how Coldplay always is. :) Oh, and it's like "Life in Technicolor" at the end-ish of it. I really love that song.
Overall, it may be the best album. Definitely better than X&Y, and maybe on tie with AROBTH as my favorite. But I think AROBTH will always be my favorite. Songs like "The Scientist" and "AROBTH" are just too good.
Ha, that reminded me, at work someone was like, "Gosh, everything is so complicated." And I had to do it. I was just like, "Nobody ever said it was easy." And I was so happy. The simple fact that I could do a Coldplay line in normal day occurances makes me so happy. I've done it way too much with JB.
Overall grade of CP, I'll have to agree with the lovely EW, and give it an A- :D
Oh yeah, and anyone who hates it(P-Nasty, I'm talking to you) is a Douche.
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